101 results for tag: Miscarriage

Jessie’s Story

I remember talking to a friend after my first loss, wondering aloud if I would always tell people when they asked how many children I had, that I had one in heaven. She told me, “I am sure when you have one on your hip, and one grabbing your leg, that you won’t feel like you need to tell people.” It was intended to comfort, but she was wrong. My hope babies, are all a part of our family in both my mind and my heart. They left much too quickly, and the scars I had on my heart remain. Scars from two losses in a row and a third a few years later, from the callous things people said to me, and from trying to pretend to be okay for too long until ...

Tiffani’s Story

On the morning of April 23rd, I woke up with this verse in my mind: “All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be” (Psalm 139:16). This verse had special significance to me on that day as my husband and I were headed in for my first prenatal appointment for our third baby. I was about 11 weeks along and was hoping to hear baby’s heartbeat for the first time that day. However, I never heard it. In the weeks leading up to this appointment, I had started to feel uneasiness that something might be wrong with the pregnancy, even though I really didn’t have any good reason to think ...

Kristin’s Story

After three years of tearful prayers and longing, my husband and I were ecstatic when we learned we were expecting our first child. This baby, a little boy we named Ethan, was a long-awaited answer to many prayers and we praised God for this precious gift. “God is so faithful,” we heard again and again, as we shared the news with the countless friends and family who had been praying for us over the years. God’s faithfulness felt so evident in our lives and our hearts overflowed with gratitude.  At our 20-week anatomy scan, we learned that Ethan displayed a variety of concerning markers. We were later told our sweet baby boy had Full ...

Sara’s Story

April 5 was like any other Easter Sunday. My husband, Jeremy, was drumming, and I was helping lead worship. We arrived early and had two successful services. During the middle of the third service I helped out in the nursery, as it was over-packed with babies, and talked about the precious wee-one growing inside of me. Then, before heading back on stage at the end of service I went to the bathroom and saw it: blood. I immediately started to freak out as I hadn’t spotted once during the previous ten weeks. I called my doctors office and they were less than helpful, and so Jeremy and I decided to go to the ER right away. The wonderful ...

Laura’s Story

I was dizzyingly happy to be having identical twins! That highly improbable surprise felt like a special gift from the Lord. Then, just after the babies reached 16 weeks gestation, my doctor detected signs of a rare disease called TTTS—Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. Our sweet boys had begun growing at noticeably different rates. Both were in danger as a result. My husband and I quickly arranged for travel to the nearest hospital specializing in TTTS treatment (and for family to come stay with our two living children). We had no idea how long we might be away, but Day 1 would be a series of tests, starting with the echocardiogram to see ...

Megan’s Story

January 23, 2019 started with a mix of pure excitement and a little bit of fear. My husband and I had taken the day off work and he brought me strawberries and cream for breakfast in bed. Afterwards, we got up to go to the anatomy ultrasound for our first baby. We sat together in the exam room, so excited to see our little one moving and to find out if we were having a girl or a boy.  “It’s a girl!” the tech announced, and we knew she was our Adelynn Claire. We moved to the waiting room and studied the scans, imagining the excitement our family would feel when they heard the news, and dreaming, even then, of what life would be like with ...

Constance’s Story

I've been serving as the Creative Director for Hope Mommies since it was established in 2011. It has been a blessing and honor to me as I have met some of the most amazing women with the most beautiful hearts. I have seen the Lord time and time again using trials, grief, and pain to sharpen and refine souls that radiate Him profoundly. Over the years I have been asked why I'm involved in serving Hope Mommies; I hadn't had a loss of my own, but that isn't required to love and serve. It was the Holy Spirit prompting my heart to love my friend, Erin, and to use my design skills and talents that He gave me in a way that serves the ...

Melinda’s Story

“Grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves, ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes the water is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.”- Vickie Harrison.  But how would I learn to swim in the sea of grief? The loss of our sweet Annalee came just two months after our 3-year-old daughter was diagnosed with cancer. I went from fearing the unknown future of our daughter, Lela, to grieving the future memories that we will never have with Annalee.  I will never forget how I felt when I found out I was pregnant again. I’m not proud of my reaction. This was my sixth pregnancy. We already had four blessi...

Alicia’s Story

David and I have been married for almost 18 years, and our story of trying to grow our family began when we realized that infertility would be a road we would walk down in our marriage. I don’t think I ever imagined the difficulty and heartache we would face as we tried to grow our family over the span of more than five years and through multiple fertility treatments.   In 2010, we became pregnant with identical twins. This news brought with it emotions intertwined with excitement, joy, fear, anxiety, and stress, as we began our journey as first time parents. I remember sitting in the doctor’s office hearing their heartbeats for the first ...

Kaitlyn’s Story

My husband, JT, and I started trying to get pregnant in March of 2020. COVID-19 quarantine had just begun and we were both working from home. I was filled with excitement at this time, dreaming of the future while equally being completely unaware of what the following months would hold. I just thought it was all so simple—a positive test leads to a healthy baby. I had never before considered the possibility of losing a baby, although I knew how common that outcome was.  Fast forward to the first week of May. I unexpectedly began to bleed eight days before my expected period. I remember it clear as day—the very intense cramping. I was at a ...