Gift of Hope is a new area of ministry for Hope Mommies, made possible by The Griff Family, in memory of their firstborn son Simon, who was called Home to Jesus at just 23 days old. The death of a child is devastating, and we know that along with this immense grief and heartache come the medical bills. Even with insurance, your out-of-pocket responsibilities can feel like an added weight on top of your already heavy load. This is where Gift of Hope comes in. Through the Gift of Hope we are offering financial grants, to those who qualify, in hopes of lifting some of the financial burden. Grief is enough to carry on its own, let us partner with you as we look to Christ as our sufficiency in all things. Financial assistance can be applied for now. Please read the requirements and entire application carefully, prior to submitting. Link to apply is located in the ‘application requirements’ tab below. May Jesus hold you near.
Simon Eugene Griff was born January 18, 2016 in New Orleans, Louisiana to Andy and Megan Griff. Shortly after his birth they were told his heart defects, which had been discovered only weeks before his birth, were more severe than expected and would require surgery within the first weeks of life. Simon underwent surgery successfully in Denver, Colorado at ten days old. Unexpectedly his heart stopped overnight following surgery. He was resuscitated but was ultimately unable to separate from life support. Simon went Home to Jesus on February 10, 2016 at 23 days old.
By the time Andy and Megan arrived back in New Orleans with devastatingly empty arms Simon’s medical bills were already waiting in the mailbox and continued to pour in over the coming months. They were overwhelmed by the generous gifts of family, friends, and coworkers that providentially matched their enormous expenses. God’s tender care for them was evident in this outpouring of love from their community of believers. The Griffs are humbled and honored to support grieving families faced with medical bills for their babies gone too soon. Most of all it is their prayer that others would experience the beauty of knowing Jesus Christ as they walk with Him through deepest sorrow.
Application Requirements
Though we wish we had the resources so that no family had to shoulder their Hope Baby’s medical expenses, we are currently limited in who we are able to assist. Please know that you and your Hope Baby are of immense value to Hope Mommies, and most importantly to God, who weeps with us in our grief. We ache with you over the unique circumstances of your loss. Applications are currently open and applicants must meet the following criteria:
Miscarriage (1-20 weeks gestation)
Stillbirth (20-40 weeks gestation)
Death of a live-born infant, up to age one
Medical expenses accrued within the United States
Proof of medical insurance
Annual household income of less than $75,000
Infant’s death was not a result of termination, including termination for medical reasons.
Donate to help increase the number of families served you can donate to the Gift of Hope fund. Click Here
A message from our Gift of Hope Directors:
We are so heartbroken that you have reason to be here. Medical bills for a baby you did not bring home, or who came home and did not stay, can be a shockingly unexpected reminder of what should have been. While we can’t change the painful reality of your circumstances, we hope to ease this financial burden as you begin to face life without your dearly loved baby.
We long for the day when this program is obsolete because our faith has been made sight and Jesus has returned to destroy death forever. Until that day Hope Mommies will walk alongside grieving families, offering comfort, community, and the hope of Christ. Please explore the website to see how we can come alongside you on this lonely road.
You are loved,
Megan and Andy
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ’s sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort, too.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, ESV