8 results for tag: Twins

Margaret’s Story

This is my least favorite season of the year. I know what you are thinking based on my rather pale complexion. You think I mean the hot, sunny summer season, right? While it may be true that I avoid the sun and heat like the plague, the season I am referring to is this yearly season of grief that coincides with summer's first day. You see, my sweet, much-loved twin sons Matthew and Caleb were born on the first day of summer. The first day of summer is the longest day of the year for me, not because of the summer solstice, but because it is the beginning of my living nightmare. Matty died that day. I only held him, wrapped in a soft yellow blanket ...

Bethany’s Story

There were two lines on the pregnancy test. Two lines! After three years of infertility, countless negative tests, being told by doctors we had a 2% chance of conceiving without fertility treatments, and deciding just five days prior to stop trying and pursue adoption—there were two lines telling me I was pregnant. I couldn’t believe it. I had dreamt of this day for years. Praying, hoping, and waiting. I’d always assumed I’d break down in tears. Instead, I felt a sense of amazement. My husband David was in the same boat. It’s safe to say we were in some degree of shock. But it was nothing compared to the shock the next nine months would ...

Laura’s Story

I was dizzyingly happy to be having identical twins! That highly improbable surprise felt like a special gift from the Lord. Then, just after the babies reached 16 weeks gestation, my doctor detected signs of a rare disease called TTTS—Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome. Our sweet boys had begun growing at noticeably different rates. Both were in danger as a result. My husband and I quickly arranged for travel to the nearest hospital specializing in TTTS treatment (and for family to come stay with our two living children). We had no idea how long we might be away, but Day 1 would be a series of tests, starting with the echocardiogram to see ...

Jessi’s Story

2019 was a hallmark year for our family. We began the year taking in the fact that God had given us twins. Yes, two babies at one time! This news came as a shock to our family. As we praised God for the double blessing, we wondered how we would manage caring for two toddlers and two infants, but we loved these babies from the start. God powerfully delivered us from our fears as we meditated on His promises, such as, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). As our families and church family came around us in amazing ...

Erin’s Story

In July of 2015, after two years of battling infertility, my husband and I found out that we were pregnant. We were over-the-moon excited that our five-year old daughter, Aubrey, would finally have a sibling. Our excitement grew abundantly when we found out that our family would be blessed with not only one, but two babies. We were the proud parents of twins. God answered our prayers in a far bigger way than we could have imagined. He knew that our hearts’ desire was for three children. Walking through infertility had been a heartbreaking trial in and of itself. All the time, money, appointments, medications, and toll on my body from infertility ...

Christin’s Story

My husband, Cody, and I have been together for 12 years. We will be married for nine years on our anniversary this July. We have both always been on the same page when it came to children. We wanted a family, and we wanted to start having children early in our marriage. So, on our first wedding anniversary we announced that we were pregnant with twins! We were shocked and so excited. I knew at four weeks that I was pregnant, and we had our first sonogram at six weeks. We heard both of their beautiful heart beats, and everything looked great—we had two healthy babies growing. At our 12-week appointment we had a sonogram, and they could only find one ...

Katie’s Story

Our lives were forever changed when our twin girls, Anna and Ella, were born the morning of July 19, 2015 at 27 weeks.  Anna was born at 3:31 am and weighed 1 lb. 15.9 ounces and Ella was born at 3:32 am and weighed 1 lb. 15.8 ounces.  They were both immediately taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and we were told to expect them to remain in the hospital for at least 13 weeks (until their due date). We knew we had a long road ahead of us but we were hopeful they would both come home with us.  I am a pediatric nurse practitioner so I made it my full-time job to know every detail of their care.  After they were born, Anna seemed to ...

Meghan’s Story

I grew up thinking if you worked hard, you could accomplish your dreams.  I was very much a planner, and for the most part, things went according to plan.  School, graduation, marriage, more school, job.  It all flowed so easily from one stage to the next.  So, when I didn’t get pregnant in those first 2 months, I was completely thrown.  When those months turned into years, I struggled with knowing who I was as a woman, with trusting God to provide, with patience as I waited while friend after friend conceived.  I often wondered what was wrong with me, what I had done, why God saw me as unfit.  Waiting was ...