70 results for tag: Infant Loss

Jenny’s Story

Just a few months after my husband, Sam, and I were married, we were thrilled to discover we were expectant parents. We immediately began exciting preparations as we embraced pregnancy.  Our hearts were overflowing with gratitude and anticipation for our little bundle of joy. Little did we know that the Lord’s plan was to include painful suffering. Our faith would be put to the test trusting completely in His plan for our family. Our eighteen-week anatomy scan revealed that our daughter had an abnormal amount of fluid surrounding her brain. We were immediately sent to a maternal fetal specialist. We were overwhelmed with anxiety and questions. How ...

Betsy’s Story

July 14, 2010, I waddled into the labor and delivery wing full of excitement and hope. This time it was real labor and I would soon be able to meet this long-awaited baby girl! It was my first time pregnant and it was a lot harder than anyone could predict. With active rheumatoid arthritis, my doctors and I had a master plan based on all the known research and statistics. I had an expert team of High Risk OBs and Rheumatologists monitoring every step. Most women with RA go into remission during pregnancy as the body turns its attention away from attacking your joints to making a baby. A week or two after stopping meds my hopes of going into remission ...

Stephanie’s Story

When I became pregnant with our second child,  we had no idea anything was wrong. It wasn't until we had our 20 week ultrasound to find out the gender that we learned there were problems. After several ultrasounds and being referred to a specialist, we found out that our baby had clubbed feet, joint contractures in her hands, and a problem with her brain. We were given no guarantees about what her outcome would be. Two weeks later, I was put on bedrest due to low amniotic fluid. On December 21, 2010, At 27 and a half weeks, Kinley Peyton Blanks came into this world. She was 2lbs and 12 inches long. Our hope was that after a few months in the ...

Mandy’s Story

My husband and I tried to get pregnant for three years before finally deciding to seek help with fertility treatments. We were lucky enough to get pregnant soon after. When that sweet bundle of much wanted baby was seven months old, we were shocked to find out we were pregnant again—this time on our own. We were thrilled beyond belief. Our prayers had been answered. My pregnancy was easy. Everything went perfect. I really wanted to go into labor naturally this time and that wish came true. The night of May 20, 2019, after taking a warm Epsom salt bath, my contractions started. By 10:00pm I knew they were real. We got to the hospital just before ...

Shundria’s Story

My husband and I married in 1996. We were living in a one room apartment, and we were so poor. We had our plans. I thought we would be married for a couple of years, then we’d have babies and move into a little house with a white picket fence and a dog. In 1998, we found out I was pregnant and we were so excited. We weren’t really planning for it, but we were so excited that we were going to have a baby. We waited until we were 12 weeks before we told anybody, and we were just loving every second of it. Around 19 weeks I woke up one morning, went to the bathroom, and I was spotting a little bit. I really didn’t think anything of it, because I ...

Kelly’s Story

Four children had always been the dream. Getting married in my mid 30’s meant that if there was any shot of that dream becoming a reality, my husband and I would need to start having children pretty quickly. About a year after our wedding, we found out we were pregnant with our first son, Rhett. Over the next three years, we added another son, Hayes, to the mix as well as our daughter, Sawyer. Having three kids in under three years was challenging at times, but we loved it. We were eager to add a fourth and final child to our family, but for various reasons and circumstances, it was taking far longer than it had with our first three. However, ...

Kristin’s Story

After three years of tearful prayers and longing, my husband and I were ecstatic when we learned we were expecting our first child. This baby, a little boy we named Ethan, was a long-awaited answer to many prayers and we praised God for this precious gift. “God is so faithful,” we heard again and again, as we shared the news with the countless friends and family who had been praying for us over the years. God’s faithfulness felt so evident in our lives and our hearts overflowed with gratitude.  At our 20-week anatomy scan, we learned that Ethan displayed a variety of concerning markers. We were later told our sweet baby boy had Full ...

Misti’s Story

I’ve had a deep desire to do work that has an impact and a wide reach for as long as I can remember. While I had heard people say that “raising children can be your greatest ministry,” I believed I could control my efforts more outside of motherhood. It seemed that those beliefs were validated when my first pregnancy ended in miscarriage. Few people knew I was pregnant, let alone that I had miscarried. Going right back to work and climbing the proverbial ladder, six months later I became pregnant and then delivered a healthy baby girl. I then began to experience the dance between building a career I loved and being an intentional mother to this ...

Brigette’s Story

Luke Charles Hawthorne was a miracle. We had been trying, unsuccessfully, for four years to conceive a child. In November 2019, I had an appointment with my doctor to discuss a possible referral to a fertility specialist. As I was praying, I felt God saying, “Trust Me.” In January 2020, we found out we were pregnant. I was ecstatic! I was finally going to be a mama. I started researching all the baby things and was in a state of bliss. My husband and I even began reading a book on God-centered parenting. Then on May 13, 2020, the unthinkable happened. My water broke when I was only 21 weeks pregnant. The prognosis was poor. My doctor prepared me ...

Megan’s Story

January 23, 2019 started with a mix of pure excitement and a little bit of fear. My husband and I had taken the day off work and he brought me strawberries and cream for breakfast in bed. Afterwards, we got up to go to the anatomy ultrasound for our first baby. We sat together in the exam room, so excited to see our little one moving and to find out if we were having a girl or a boy.  “It’s a girl!” the tech announced, and we knew she was our Adelynn Claire. We moved to the waiting room and studied the scans, imagining the excitement our family would feel when they heard the news, and dreaming, even then, of what life would be like with ...