69 results for tag: Infant Loss

Marli’s Story of Hope

I once heard grief explained as if it were an ocean. We walk along the shore admiring the waves and then they unexpectedly brush against our feet. Sometimes the waves stay around our ankles, sometimes they carry us out waist deep, and sometimes they overwhelm us as if we were drowning; but at the end of the day we always end up back upon the shore being carried by our heavenly Father. I have always clung to Esther 4:14, “For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as ...

Danielle’s Story of Hope

My growth in trusting God’s faithfulness started before I got pregnant. When I was 45, I worked hard to worship God with my body by being careful to keep it as healthy as possible in case I would be blessed with another pregnancy. I had heard many negative things about older mothers, and did not have many people in my life who were supportive of me wanting to have another child at my age. If I were able to have another child, I knew it would be for God’s glory, and l would be dedicated to the task of raising him or her to know and love God. I became pregnant in 2023 with my eighth baby, thirty years since my first pregnancy. I had an amazingly ...

Liz’s Story of Hope

My husband Andy and I have two beautiful girls, and we were debating whether or not to have another baby. We didn’t really feel strongly one way or another, but wanted to be obedient to the Lord. So we decided to start trying and see what God had in store for us. The second month of trying and, bam! I was pregnant. It took five or six months to get pregnant with the girls, and the baby that we named Birch and lost at 9 weeks (between our girls), so we were absolutely shocked. As we wrapped our heads around the idea of being a family of five, our excitement grew. We dreamed of a little boy or a little girl and thought of names and wondered what ...

Margaret’s Story

This is my least favorite season of the year. I know what you are thinking based on my rather pale complexion. You think I mean the hot, sunny summer season, right? While it may be true that I avoid the sun and heat like the plague, the season I am referring to is this yearly season of grief that coincides with summer's first day. You see, my sweet, much-loved twin sons Matthew and Caleb were born on the first day of summer. The first day of summer is the longest day of the year for me, not because of the summer solstice, but because it is the beginning of my living nightmare. Matty died that day. I only held him, wrapped in a soft yellow blanket ...

Abigail’s Story

My husband and I were at the hospital for a routine 20-week ultrasound for our second daughter. She had a strong heartbeat and was very active, but the exam took longer than it should have, and anxiety started to creep in. When the doctor told us that all was not well with our baby, the bottom fell out of my heart. “Unfortunately, this baby has some things wrong with her.” Those words will forever echo in my memory. The doctor went on to explain that our baby had multiple serious physical defects, and more testing was needed to determine the exact nature of her condition. After answering our questions and going over a number of different ...

Emily’s Story

I found out I was pregnant in May of 2017. When I told my husband, we celebrated together, full of joy and excitement. Before we knew if we were having a boy or a girl, we were trying to pick our top names. I thought of Audrey, and instantly fell in love with the name. I knew that if we had a girl that would be her name. The meaning of Audrey is “noble strength.” We wanted to give our child a first name that had a strong meaning, and to me, Audrey was perfect. When I was 20 weeks, we were getting ready to find out the sex of the baby, and were both almost certain that the baby was going to be a boy. But she was a girl! Looking back now, this was ...

Caitlin’s Story

Eleanor “Ellie” Love Kropchuk was the most beautiful surprise. In March 2017, my husband, Matthew, and I were so excited to find out she was on the way to join big brother Timothy (three years old) and big sister Caroline (20 months). Since I already have two children, pregnancy was nothing new for me. But Ellie was different. My doctor even commented at one point, as we laughed together about how active Ellie always was, that this pregnancy was just different than the others. Around seven months into my pregnancy, I created a playlist that I would listen to during my birthing time. God often uses music to minster to me in very unique and ...

Marli’s Story

I once heard grief explained as if it were an ocean. We walk along the shore admiring the waves and then they unexpectedly brush against our feet. Sometimes the waves stay around our ankles, sometimes they carry us out waist deep, and sometimes they overwhelm us as if we were drowning; but at the end of the day we always end up back upon the shore being carried by our heavenly Father. I have always clung to Esther 4:14, “For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as ...

Mary’s Story

But Zion had said, ‘The Lord has forsaken me,the Lord has forgotten me’Can a woman forget her nursing child,that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb?Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.”Isaiah 49:14-15 “God, you are the God of miracles. Lord, please let this be a mistake.” When I realized the lines on my home pregnancy tests were getting progressively lighter, my heart broke. It was July 2019, my first pregnancy, and the burst of euphoria at learning I would be a mother swallowed me whole until the day I miscarried. It was the first of many losses: A miscarriage at six weeks, another at eight, and ...

Hannah’s Story

My husband and I were driving in the car, talking about how we wanted to have another baby.  As we talked, the name Gideon Andrew came to our mind. We looked up the meaning of the name, because it was one we had never even thought of before. We cried when we later looked up Gideon’s story in the Bible. We knew that Gideon was the name we would use if God granted us a son. One day, after we had began trying to become pregnant I prayed, “Lord, I don’t think I can handle not becoming pregnant. I want a baby so badly. Please be merciful with me. Please, if it’s your will, let me have another child.” Three days later I was home alone while ...