100 results for tag: Miscarriage

Caitlin’s Story

I came across an old Instagram post of mine that showed a handwritten definition of glory. It said, “Glory-original meaning ‘weightiness.’ Like the force of a sledgehammer to our lives.” That was written four years ago, long before I knew the true force glory would have on my life. Six months into our marriage, my husband and I started to experience some swells in the waves of daily married life. I hurt my back, rendering me almost immobile despite months of physical and drug therapy. Surgery was imminent. Relief was on its way! The day of my back surgery found my husband and me waiting an inordinate amount of time for my surgery to begin. ...

Liv’s Story

"I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." –Abraham Lincoln My life plan was abruptly interrupted on April 14, 2010 when I got the most earth-shattering news I could have imagined. Our 11-week-old baby's heart was no longer beating. With the swirling of an ultrasound wand and seven horrible words, "Honey, more people miscarry than you know," I was broken. I had longed to be a mommy since my baby doll days. But just like that, in one little moment, it was stripped away. The doctors scheduled my D&C for two days later. Take my baby? "What if you were wrong about that little ...

Andrea’s Story

"My husband and I met through a prank phone call my first semester of college. I was a bright-eyed eighteen year-old fresh out of high school and he was a dreamy junior who was the front man in a rock band. Some might even say that he robbed the cradle. But you’re probably more curious about the prank phone call, right? The phone rang in my dorm room late one night and I picked it up. It was a group of not-so-nice boys who said they were in my English class, and I naively believed them. As it turns out, they were randomly picking girls from the Belmont University directory and cold-calling them.  They asked me why I came to Nashville and I ...

Jessica’s Story

"We began trying for children 6 years ago in October 2009. Due to a rare genetic disorder my husband carried we anticipated loss because of family history. From May 2010-February 2012 we experienced 3 losses. They were all 3-6 week losses and no heartbeats. We kept trusting the Lord even though it was really hard. I had to battle a lot of bitter feelings because I had friends getting pregnant left and right. It was a challenging time because, while we knew what the Bible says about the faithfulness of God, we were not seeing our prayers answered in ways we expected. We tried fertility doctors, seeking further answers, but we're just met with ...

Irina’s Story

Finding Hope in the midst of Loss "Growing up I have always said that my magic number was five. Yes, I wanted to have five children when I would become a mommy. I thought it was so easy to get pregnant. I had no problems getting pregnant with our first baby. He was healthy, beautiful, and most of all loud. He was one little man with one huge personality. He was everything to us. When our son was around a year and a half, I got pregnant again. I loved seeing the plus sign on the pregnancy test and we called and told everyone who we knew that I was pregnant. However, within two months of my pregnancy I started to bleed. It then followed with heavy ...

Megan’s Story

"My husband and I were married in June of 2012. We were very excited to learn in July that we were pregnant shortly after getting married. We had a few scares at the beginning of the pregnancy, but at my 13 week appointment we heard the heartbeat and the doctor confirmed that everything was going well. Our excitement grew each day as we started to prepare to become first time parents. A few weeks later in late September I traveled out of town to visit my parents while my husband was away for work. On a beautiful Fall Sunday afternoon I went to use the restroom shortly after lunch. I was planning on going shopping with my mom and sister. But ...

Stefanie’s Story

"I met my husband when I was 24. We met on eHarmony. For any of you who want to know if it’s a complete joke, it worked for us. However, I truly believe God would have made sure we ended up together regardless. I wish I could say it was love at first sight. But it just wasn’t. As a matter of fact, I only went out with him again because my best friend told me that “everyone deserves a second chance.” Our first date was awkward and a little uncomfortable, but on our second date, Mike stole my heart. Pretty much after that we were inseparable. We were engaged six months later and were married in June of 2009. I’ve never known anyone ...

Megan’s Story

"I remember leaving work that Thursday afternoon feeling a little off and thinking to myself all the way home that it’s not possible for me to be pregnant. My husband and I had been reeling from back-to-back miscarriages that year, the last one only six weeks removed. I stared in disbelief as I saw the two lines appear. This wasn’t supposed to be happening; we still had more testing to go through and we weren’t ready to try again. After several weeks of the typical pregnancy symptoms and initial blood work, I had begun to pray earnestly for this little baby and so had my sweet friends and family. I remember someone telling me that this would ...

Calli’s Story

The Blessing of Blair My husband and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary in May of 2014. We were so happy with where God had led us in our journey as husband and wife. We had welcomed into this world three beautiful and healthy children, Gavyn, Grant, and Gwyneth. We had witnessed each other grow in Christ and develop our godly characters hand and hand. God lead us down a path of hoping to complete our family by adopting our daughter, Bertie, from Malawi, Africa, whom we met through passionately serving with our church at an orphan care center in Malawi. Even through the grueling adoption process, we were over the moon excited to bring our ...

Ashlee’s Story

It was the beginning of my fourteenth week of pregnancy when I went in for a routine ultrasound and prenatal appointment. I had been eagerly looking forward to this day for many weeks.  My husband decided last minute to stay home with our boys while I drove off with our three-year-old daughter to finally see this smallest addition to our family. On our way to the appointment, my daughter squealed, “Mommy! I am so excited to see our baby!” As those words left her little mouth, a giant pit formed in my stomach, and suddenly I felt all sorts of anxious. Something just didn’t seem right anymore. I tried to shake off that feeling, ...