Testimony Tuesday {Lindsey’s Experience}
It was what would’ve been Dasah’s two-month birthday but instead of taking cute photos of her I was standing at her gravesite for the first time since we buried her. It was a beautiful day and somehow as I was driving that day I found myself turning at the road that goes into the cemetery instead of just driving by as I usually do. Whenever anyone says they’ve just “found themselves” somewhere I’ve always thought they must be a little crazy. Who just “finds themselves” somewhere? Well, that day I became that crazy person.
I think of turning every time ...
Links for Hope Moms: April Edition
We want to share with you links to posts, videos, and resources from around the web to uplift, help, and encourage you in your walk with the Lord as you grieve.
{Mother's Day and miscarriages: An Interview with Jessalyn Hutto} // "Initially, the most important thing I want to convey to a woman who has miscarried is that her pain has merit. What I mean by this is that I want her to know that what has happened to her truly is as terrible as it feels. I don’t want her to feel burdened to 'get over' her loss quickly simply because it is hard for those around ...
Death is Swallowed Up in Victory
Death has shaken your soul to its core. Mine too.
When I first heard the words, “I’m sorry, there’s no heartbeat,” it seemed like my life was being siphoned out of me. I strained to take in each new breath of air, and as I looked up at the monitor, staring at the stillness of my baby, I felt as though I was watching someone else’s nightmare unfold before my eyes. In that moment, death seemed to consume me.
The death of your child is an excruciating heartache that alters the course of your life.
There may be times when it seems as though you are being ...
Testimony Tuesday {Courtney’s Testimony}
"It doesn't get any easier, does it?"
You meet kindred spirits in some of the strangest places sometimes. As I nervously stood in line at my local drugstore I dreaded what I was about to do. I knew I needed the medicine in order to have some form of closure and to complete the miscarriage, but something felt so wrong about it all. Deep within my soul I wanted to scream to all who were around me:
"I'm not having an abortion. I promise. I was pregnant. I wanted this baby!"
Thankfully I didn't have to. But that didn't make the situation any less uncomfortable for me. ...
Testimony Tuesday {He Didn’t Heal My Daughter, God Is So Good}
I’m sure you’ve not heard that phrase posted on many a Facebook status. We are great (I am great) at declaring God’s goodness when He does something for us, when He shows up in the way we had prayed for and hoped. When He provides, when He heals. I heard a story of a man who was reading his Bible on a train when it crashed and killed many. He told a reporter, “I don’t know why I didn’t die, why I’m still alive…God is so good.” While I do not disagree with his statement, nor do I think we shouldn’t declare God’s goodness when He spares our lives, ...