I See You

I see you. I see your pain. I see your emptiness. I see your grief. I see your longing. But mostly, I see your love.
I know this is a hard day. A day that reminds us of what should have been and isn’t. Or what once was but no longer is. This day acutely reminds us of how very broken this world is.
I don’t know your story or your specific loss, but I do know your hurt. I don’t know if you’ve lost a child to miscarriage, still birth, infant death, or sickness. Or maybe your child is still living but for whatever reason they’re no longer a part of your world. Whatever the reason your little love is not with you today, it is awful.
It is awful to miss your child in the depths of your bones. It is awful to watch other mamas receive flowers and kisses from their little ones. And it is really awful to have your motherhood overlooked. It is so hard to walk through this day as an invisible mother.
But I see you. I see your love and your motherhood. And I pray that your loved ones see you and your motherhood this Mother’s Day as well.
But even if no one else you cross paths with on this hard day sees you, the God of the universe does.
Long before I lost Max, I fell in love with a short little passage in Genesis where God shows up in a big way for a lost and lonely mama. Hagar, Abram & Sarai’s slave, after being taken advantage of and used up in an inexcusable way, runs away to the desert. She is alone, scared, broken, and hopeless. And in that place, that wilderness of the soul (and body) she encounters God.
“She [Hagar] gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”
-Genesis 16:13
Friend. We—the mamas with empty arms and overflowing hearts, whose motherhood is so often overlooked—are seen. I pray that on this hard and overwhelming day, you will allow this God who sees you to penetrate your heart. I pray that you will let Him whisper comfort and identity into the depths of your broken soul. I pray that you will welcome Him with open arms—this God who sees you—this God who willingly gave His own child over to death so that He could be with you for eternity.
Mama, I see you. But most importantly, HE sees you.
Post Credit: Sam Martin
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Sam is a graphic-designer and marketing professional in Frisco, Texas. She and her husband, Spencer, have been married for 5 years and have two children in heaven. They enjoy serving in their church, building community, and restoring their 100 year-old home. Sam is in two book clubs and can always be found with a book in her purse and a warm beverage in her hand.
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