229 results for tag: Share Your Story

Megan’s Story

"I remember leaving work that Thursday afternoon feeling a little off and thinking to myself all the way home that it’s not possible for me to be pregnant. My husband and I had been reeling from back-to-back miscarriages that year, the last one only six weeks removed. I stared in disbelief as I saw the two lines appear. This wasn’t supposed to be happening; we still had more testing to go through and we weren’t ready to try again. After several weeks of the typical pregnancy symptoms and initial blood work, I had begun to pray earnestly for this little baby and so had my sweet friends and family. I remember someone telling me that this would ...

Shannon’s Story

"When we found out we were pregnant with our third child we were over the moon. Being ever the planner, I immediately began to envision how this new one would fit into our lives. At our 20 week ultrasound we found out we were having a girl. We brought home pink flowers and balloons to surprise our two oldest. The next day I bought her first outfit- a sweet little summer romper. There were a few small things that came up on the ultrasound that we needed to follow up on, but were assured that they were nothing major. We went back at 24 weeks. Things seemed to be fine with our little one. Later, I remember so clearly the phone call that explained ...

Becky’s Story

"I became a hope mom on May 2nd, 2015.  It was less than 5 weeks shy of my due date with our second child and I found myself headed to the hospital thinking I may have an early delivery, only to arrive there and find out my son was already with Jesus.  It’s the kind of thing I thought would never happen to me. There are many things I am thankful for in the midst of our loss.  All the tangible things that the Lord provided in loss, especially the sweet presence of family and friends, with the many ways they sought to help us.  But above all things, I am eternally grateful for God who is good and promises to work all things ...

Calli’s Story

The Blessing of Blair My husband and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary in May of 2014. We were so happy with where God had led us in our journey as husband and wife. We had welcomed into this world three beautiful and healthy children, Gavyn, Grant, and Gwyneth. We had witnessed each other grow in Christ and develop our godly characters hand and hand. God lead us down a path of hoping to complete our family by adopting our daughter, Bertie, from Malawi, Africa, whom we met through passionately serving with our church at an orphan care center in Malawi. Even through the grueling adoption process, we were over the moon excited to bring our ...

Lauren’s Story

I had always wanted to be a mama ever since I could remember. I was the oldest of four kids and I think it’s partly due to how amazing my mom is. My husband Alan and I became pregnant with our first child and we were ecstatic.  I had a wonderful pregnancy except for some really strong bouts of morning sickness until 14 weeks. At 39 weeks it was my last week working at a fast paced job and I had been training my replacement the last two weeks. All seemed ready to welcome our little one into this world. We were waiting to find out the sex until our baby was born. There was such excitement and anticipation. The day of our ...

Ashlee’s Story

It was the beginning of my fourteenth week of pregnancy when I went in for a routine ultrasound and prenatal appointment. I had been eagerly looking forward to this day for many weeks.  My husband decided last minute to stay home with our boys while I drove off with our three-year-old daughter to finally see this smallest addition to our family. On our way to the appointment, my daughter squealed, “Mommy! I am so excited to see our baby!” As those words left her little mouth, a giant pit formed in my stomach, and suddenly I felt all sorts of anxious. Something just didn’t seem right anymore. I tried to shake off that feeling, ...

Lianna’s Story

My doctors told me that they would allow me to go two weeks past my due date while I waited for my daughter to come naturally. On the last possible day prior to my scheduled induction, I went into labor at home—yes, finally! We called the doctor and went to the hospital. The contractions were still mild, but my husband rolled me into the hospital in a wheel chair. We were familiar with the hospital. Since I was past 40 weeks, I had already done three non-stress tests and an extra ultrasound there—in fact, one test was just the previous night. The nurses gave us my favorite room, the large corner one. I changed into the gown I had purchased to wear ...

Erin’s Story

Suspended by, Erin Cushman Hope Mom to Gwendolyn Hope It’s been over five years since my daughter’s birth and death. Five years – it is true that time can be an agent of healing. Time can so accustom your heart and mind to a despicable reality that you can say it without blinking, without feeling the weight of your words: “It’s been over five years since my daughter’s birth and death.” And while I am in the habit of telling my story, especially as I explain the ministry that was birthed from it all, I can never meet the eyes of strangers as I relate the brevity and reality of my firstborn. Something inherent – the ...

Landry’s Story

by Holly Steele My water broke on Saturday, July 24 at 5:15 am (That was the exact same time my water broke with Tyler) I was shocked and a little overwhelmed because Landry was going to be 2 weeks early and I did not have anything ready.. like a bag. I thought I had time so I rushed around like crazy while Ryan took a shower and shaved.... Who could shave and shower at time like this?!?! I was happy that I would finally get to see Landry and that precious face I had been dreaming about since last November. I was also excited thinking that Landry and Tyler's Birthdays would be two days apart. I was already planning on how they could share Birthda...