37 results for tag: Stephanie

Discussions in Grief: Envy

Grieving involves new emotions and considerations often too many to numbers. When you find yourself in overwhelming grief, you likely feel buried and lost. In this series, we slowly and compassionately look at one aspect of grief at a time from a biblical perspective for the newly grieving mother. Click {here} to read past posts in this series. 

Discussions in Grief: New Normal

Grieving involves new emotions and considerations often too many to numbers. When you find yourself in overwhelming grief, you likely feel buried and lost. In this series, we slowly and compassionately look at one aspect of grief at a time from a biblical perspective for the newly grieving mother. Click {here} to read past posts in this series.  Normal. I love that word. I didn’t always use to love it. That word use to be...well...normal to me. But that was before having devastating ultrasounds and inconclusive tests with my hope baby that showed abnormal results. So, yeah, normal became one of my favorite words in subsequent pregnanci...

Stephanie’s Story

When I became pregnant with our second child,  we had no idea anything was wrong. It wasn't until we had our 20 week ultrasound to find out the gender that we learned there were problems. After several ultrasounds and being referred to a specialist, we found out that our baby had clubbed feet, joint contractures in her hands, and a problem with her brain. We were given no guarantees about what her outcome would be. Two weeks later, I was put on bedrest due to low amniotic fluid. On December 21, 2010, At 27 and a half weeks, Kinley Peyton Blanks came into this world. She was 2lbs and 12 inches long. Our hope was that after a few months in the ...

Discussions in Grief: Feeling Robbed

Grieving involves new emotions and considerations often too many to numbers. When you find yourself in overwhelming grief, you likely feel buried and lost. In this series, we slowly and compassionately look at one aspect of grief at a time from a biblical perspective for the newly grieving mother. Click {here} to read past posts in this series.  My daughter, Kinley, entered this world at 27 1/2 weeks, trimming three months off my pregnancy. She lived 44 days, cutting a lifetime off her life.  I felt robbed—robbed of my pregnancy, robbed of my daughter, and robbed of all the memories we would have made together.  It wasn't enough ...

Discussions in Grief: Searching

Grieving involves new emotions and considerations often too many to numbers. When you find yourself in overwhelming grief, you likely feel buried and lost. In this series, we slowly and compassionately look at one aspect of grief at a time from a biblical perspective for the newly grieving mother. Click {here} to read past posts in this series.  "I just want to know why!" I sobbed into the phone. I was standing in the NICU talking to a friend on the phone after being told my daughter would die. This friend had lost her baby girl 2.5 months ago. Through her tears, she told me something I'll never forget. She said, "There will never be a good ...

Bear Much Fruit: Joy

When I started thinking about joy, the movie "Inside Out" came to mind. In this animated film, Joy is a main character and one of five emotions inside the mind of a young girl. The other emotions are Fear, Anger, Disgust, and Sadness. Joy always strives to remain joyful, hence her name, and is the leader of the young girl's emotions. Have you ever thought about which emotion is leading your life? We have all of these emotions competing for control. Joy and sorrow will even walk hand in hand at times, but only one will lead. It's imperative that sorrow doesn't lead for too long or it will replace joy with despair as its new ...

Yet I Will Praise You: Hannah

History bears witness to the many men and women who have gone before us in choosing to praise God in spite of the great suffering they endured. We can learn much from their testimonies of faithfulness and perseverance in the midst of grief and pain. In this series, we share about the trials others have endured, and of their commitment to praise God from the valley. As mothers, we have a vision for our children's future. It involves happiness and prosperity, all in close proximity to ourselves. We want to control their destiny. We want a guarantee that no harm will come to them. But that isn’t ever the case. We don’t know what ...

Yet I Will Praise You: The Life of Job

Why do bad things happen to good people? This is a question I think everyone has struggled with at some point. Suffering just doesn't make sense. You try so hard to live a good life, and you are rewarded with heartache. We deserve more. We deserve better. Don't we? Let's take a look at a man who could relate to injustice. Job is described as "blameless and upright; [he] feared God and shunned evil" (Job 1:1).  He was "the greatest man among all the people of the East" (1:3).  Here we have a good guy, a great guy—the greatest guy. Job lived a prosperous life, but he was humble and put God first. Satan went before God, and God ...

Psalm 13

Many times, Scripture resonates so strongly with me. Psalm 13 is a great example. I read this passage several weeks after losing my daughter, Kinley. The psalmist, David, articulated my very thoughts and emotions as he addressed God:“How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart?How long will my enemy triumph over me?Look at me and answer, O Lord my God.Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death; my enemy will say, ‘I have overcome him,’ and my foes will rejoice when I fall.But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart ...

Ten Years Later

It can often seem as though you will always be drowning beneath the acute pain of loss. However, while our grief never truly ends, it doesn't always look and feel the same way. In this series, our writers speak from where they are now in their grief, _________ years later. Throughout this series, you will find testimonies of how grief changes us, and how God uses our heartache to shape us into a greater reflection of His image. I’m not a fan of waiting rooms. Shocker. After all, who doesn’t love waiting around a long period of time for an appointment you’re probably not thrilled about in the first place? The dentist, the doctor, the ...