234 results for tag: Share Your Story
My story is hard to tell because it holds a lot of regret. When I learned I was pregnant with my little Elizabeth Morgan, my first reaction was, No! I have two beautiful, young, crazy children and I was not planning to have another child. In fact, my husband and I had already made arrangements to make sure that we were done. I had finally felt at peace with the decision and was sure that I was ready to move forward in life. A child would have changed everything. Well, God had bigger plans for me.
When I saw a positive pregnancy test, I shut down completely. I couldnt see past the plans that I had made for us as a family of four. It was ...
On December 29, 2011 our world was forever changed in a blink of an eye! This is our story, this is us, and this is our hope!
My husband and I have been blessed with three beautiful, healthy girls, and we were beyond elated when we found out we were expecting again. After having three healthy pregnancies, I instantly knew something wasn't right when the ultrasound tech took a deep breath and sat on my bed.
I uttered the dreaded words, "Is the baby okay?" and was so scared for the answer; her reply shocked me.
She said, “I am going to be honest; I have never seen this before. Your baby is fine but there is something else occurring too. I ...
Jordan Emmanuel & Jonathan Patrick: The Bruffey Family Story of Loss & Hope
Need. A word that has earned a deeper significance in my family. I grew up knowing what I wanted. I was a dreamer who wanted to travel, learn sign language, be a wife, and be a mother. From the time I was a young girl, I dreamed of having a home overflowing with children. That was what I wanted. On September 30, 2016, my husband and I were delighted to learn that God had sent us a fourth child! However, His plan for that life on earth was brief. Just eight days later, we lost our "BB4" to miscarriage at five weeks five days. We were devastated. I ached to find ...
“Through the eye of the storm, You remain in control. And in the middle of the war, You guard my soul. You alone are the anchor when my sails are torn. Your love surrounds me in the eye of the storm.”
Ryan Stevenson
This song plays in my mind often. The whole song has meaning to me. It does feel like I have been living a storm for the past seven weeks. I go from deep sorrow to anger. Then to depression and back to anger with heartbrokenness at the forefront. I can’t believe I will never see my daughter’s eyes on this side of heaven. I can’t believe I won’t be bringing her home from the hospital in a few short weeks. I will never see her ...
Approximately two years ago I found myself instantly initiated into a sorority, if you will, that I had not applied to nor that I desired to be apart of. I went to a regular OB appointment one day before my due date; I was excited because I knew the baby would be coming any day. I even joked that he would be born on Christmas because I found out that I was pregnant on Good Friday. However, when my midwife looked into my eyes with tears forming in her eyes and told me that my baby had passed away, my world shifted, my reality changed, and everything I knew to be Ebone was no longer true.
I then had to decide, Do I stick with my original plan to ...
My husband Steve and I started our journey for a family in December 2013. We’d only been married 9 months, but we knew we wanted children (at least 3!) and felt like the timing was right. I found out I was pregnant only 3 short months later, and we were in happy bliss dreaming of the family we would have. For a month we called him or her by our funny nickname, made sure I did everything exactly by the book, and eagerly waited for my first appointment. We never dreamed our journey would be anything but perfect, so the news at my 8 week OB appointment that there was no heartbeat took us by complete devastating surprise. There is no ...
My husband and I and our three small children moved from Nevada to Texas in the summer of 2014. Soon after, we were thrilled to learn I was pregnant with our fourth child. Our other three pregnancies and births had been so straightforward and we had no reason to think this one would be any different.
On November 14, 2014, my husband and I went to our 20-week anatomy scan. During the scan, my husband and I happily chattered away, totally oblivious to how long the doctor was looking at our daughter’s brain and heart. After the doctor finished the anatomy scan, she first told us our baby was measuring small. We absorbed the news, but even ...
“God doesn’t make mistakes” was a simple comment written on Facebook to offer condolences for the loss of our firstborn son, Corbin. I struggled to understand that. How can a good God allow this to happen? I reverently questioned, Why? How could this happen? But God…I prayed for this baby.
I met the love of my life and about one year after dating we were married. He is my best friend, my partner in life, and the one that God made for me. We prayed about the best time to start trying to conceive. In our hearts, we felt like enjoying our marriage for one year would be best, then we would try to conceive shortly after.
Then one day, it ...
Shortly after our oldest son, Kason, turned a year old my husband and I began planning to expand our little family. After struggling with unexplained infertility with Kason, we did not know if it would take months or even years to become pregnant again. But in May of 2014, I became pregnant with our daughter.
My pregnancy was perfect! It wasn’t until a week before our due date that any worry invaded my mind. It was a Friday and I had noticed that I was not feeling her move as she normally did. I kept trying to convince myself that all was fine and that there was nothing to worry about. I thought maybe she was just running out of room and didn’t ...
2016 began with great joy as my husband and I celebrated our first pregnancy—one that quickly ended in miscarriage on January 14, around 7-8 weeks. I had never felt devastation, disappointment, and pain like I experienced over that next several weeks as I grieved a child I had never known.
A few months later, we were again expecting. At 12 weeks, we learned that we were having a son and that he likely had Down Syndrome. We were overwhelmed by fear of the unknown and sadness for what we thought would be a difficult life for our son. As we waited for additional scans to confirm whether or not he did have DS, we felt that we were living in a sort of ...