59 results for tag: Shelly

How Can We Walk in Joy this Mother’s Day?

Every year when Mother’s Day rolls around, my Facebook feed is full of people honoring their mothers. Sprinkled among the “odes to mom” are those lamenting the loss of their mothers. Then, there are also those who have lost their children. My Facebook feed is a mix of joy and sorrow. At churches on Mother’s Day, moms are often honored by giving them a rose, or asking them to stand to be acknowledged. I’ve seen the Hope Mommy start to stand, and then sit back down because no one knows she’s a mom. On a day that is supposed to be celebratory and honoring to moms, Hope Mommies are often left feeling sorrow. We ache to celebrate and be ...

Q: Can I Pray to My Baby?

This Q&A series is intended to help you take steps forward in wisdom. Lay your questions before Scripture with us; find in the ashes that wisdom “will place on your head a graceful garland; she will bestow on you a beautiful crown” (Prov. 4:9). What questions about grief, God, or the Bible do you have right now? Contact us here.  So often when we have a loved one die, it is very common to hear words like, “I know they are looking down and watching over us.” While this may seem comforting, is it accurate? Are our babies in heaven watching over us? Do they see us? Can we pray to them? Can I Pray to My Baby in ...

Parenting Older Children Through Grief

Each child gone ahead from among us is a precious person made in the image of God—and all having been made into Hope Moms, we together declare motherhood in each of our journeys. We are eager to go above and beyond in showing honor and love for one another (Rom. 12:10, 15). Through this series, we honor each other’s experiences of motherhood in love through our shared God of hope. My girls were four and a half and two and a half years old when my son was stillborn at 37 weeks. We had presents under the Christmas tree for Zachary, and the girls were as expectant for their brother as we were to welcome a son into our family. When we came home ...

Stones of Remembrance

“Imagine a priceless vase or ornament is dropped on the floor and smashed to pieces. The woman who loved it kneels down. She picks up the pieces, one by one. She looks at each one in detail, turning it round, as if to remember where it once belonged. The vase was loved and so when it was shattered, every piece was worth picking up, no matter how small. A grieving person will often want to talk about the smallest detail of their loss. It is as if every broken piece is taken up and wept over. When you listen, you may feel that the detail was small, but it is part of something that was supremely valued, part of something dearly loved” (Colin ...

Psalm 16 Reflections {Not Abandoned}

Welcome to our Psalm 16 Reflections Link-Up. We’re so glad you joined us! Here’s how it works: To participate in this link-up, all you have to do is write on the word or phrase of the week, post your words on your own blog, and link up the post here (via the InLinkz button at the bottom of the post). Be sure to add the actual permalink to your specific post, and not your blog’s homepage (e.g. https://hopemommies.org/psalm-16-reflections and not just hopemommies.org). If you don’t have a blog, you’re welcome to post your reflection in the comments here each week! This is meant to be a space for you to write what’s on ...

Psalm 16 Reflections {Unshaken}

If you’re new here or haven’t participated before, we’re so glad you joined us! Here’s how it works: To participate in our Psalm 16 Reflections link-up, all you have to do is write on the word or phrase of the week, post your words on your own blog, and link up the post here (via the InLinkz button at the bottom of the post). Be sure to add the actual permalink to your specific post, and not your blog’s homepage (e.g. https://hopemommies.org/psalm-16-reflections and not just hopemommies.org). If you don’t have a blog, you’re welcome to post your reflection in the comments here each week! This is meant to be a ...

Hope for the Holidays {Our God of Hope}

Hope for the holidays. Is there such a thing for us Hope Mommies? I sit and write today - fresh on the heels of Halloween. Last night, my Facebook feed was a mixture of moms posting pics of their kids in cute costumes and moms lamenting the last time their kids dressed up or the fact that they would never pick out costumes for their kids. Hope for the Holidays? Is that even possible? Yes, we can have hope for the holidays – if we plug into the source of all hope – the God of hope. This time of the year is often hard for Hope Mommies. Everywhere we look, there seems to be excitement and joy. People are bustling about making plans for the ...

Shelly’s Story

"My husband and I found out we were pregnant for the first time on Father’s Day.  We were a little shocked but mostly overjoyed. Perfect pregnancy. Perfect delivery. And we did it again about two years later. We had two little girls but I wanted another baby. My husband was content with two children and we did not try again so we were very shocked when we found out I was pregnant for a third time. When we found out I was having a son, we just knew the Lord had plans better than our own. My husband is a football playing, hunting, fishing, sports loving kind of man so I just knew God wanted him to have a son. We eagerly awaited our son...

Identity: We Are Free

So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.  And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death. -Romans 8:1, 2 Freedom. We all want it. We think it is owed to us. But what does it mean to be free. In America, we think of our freedom in terms of our rights. Our right to free speech. Our right to assemble. Our religious liberty. Our right to bear arms. In the 1970’s, women signified their freedom by burning their bras.  Teenagers have a distinct definition of freedom that mostly involves freedom from their parents’ rules. ...