51 results for tag: Holidays

Years Later; Most Thankful for Jesus

At your home, perhaps turkey, stuffing, and football will be the same as ever—but not all is the same for you as it used to be. Family gatherings are missing your child—and perhaps, like me, they have been for some years now. Your Thanksgivings have gone through many changes. I hope that you know the comfort of Christ’s gospel in your pain—that the good news of His sacrifice on the cross for sins means you can believe and have the assurance of heavenly glory that far surpasses this earth. How good and wonderful it is to reflect upon all Christ has done for His people—winning an eternal victory over sin and death, winning us as believers ...

Into the Arms of a Strong Heavenly Father

This will be my fourth Father's Day as a father. My first Father's Day was exactly 2 months after our daughter was born into glory. I had always heard that becoming a father brings a whole new perspective to our Christian walk since it helps us to more fully appreciate what it means that God identifies Himself as our Father. However, as a father to a child in heaven, my perspective on what it means that God is our Heavenly Father has taken on an even deeper meaning. In the New Testament God is often referred to as our Father. One of those places is in Romans 8 where Paul has just finished explaining that there is now no condemnation for those who ...

I See You

To the mama whose arms are empty this Mother’s Day– I see you. I see your pain. I see your emptiness. I see your grief. I see your longing. But mostly, I see your love. I know this is a hard day. A day that reminds us of what should have been and isn't. Or what once was but no longer is. This day acutely reminds us of how very broken this world is. I don’t know your story or your specific loss, but I do know your hurt. I don’t know if you’ve lost a child to miscarriage, still birth, infant death, or sickness. Or maybe your child is still living but for whatever reason they’re no longer a part of your world. Whatever the reason ...

Death is Swallowed Up in Victory

Death has shaken your soul to its core. Mine too. When I first heard the words, “I’m sorry, there’s no heartbeat,” it seemed like my life was being siphoned out of me. I strained to take in each new breath of air, and as I looked up at the monitor, staring at the stillness of my baby, I felt as though I was watching someone else’s nightmare unfold before my eyes.  In that moment, death seemed to consume me. The death of your child is an excruciating heartache that alters the course of your life.  There may be times when it seems as though you are being crushed and overcome by the weight of death. Perhaps you feel as if you will never ...

Hope Dads: Shepherd Your Family

“Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways! You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.” -Psalm 128:1-4 Dads, this Psalm was directed at you and me.  Every time I read this passage, I want to say YES PLEASE!  This is the family life that we all want, a family that is flourishing! This is what we want for our family when we celebrate Fathers Day, when we go out in public, when we are on vacation… and this is what we want for our family ...

5 Things to Remember This Mother’s Day

Sweet mommas, as you are surrounded with all of the commercialism of Mother's Day, I pray that you will not allow satan to use this holiday to rob you of the hope you have in our Great God!  As you consider the invitation that Christ has laid out before you, I pray that these words from fellow Hope Moms will encourage your heart: 5 Things to Remember This Mother's Day 1. YOU ARE A MOTHER "Mother’s Day is such a confusing day for Hope Mommies. It is supposed to be a day of celebration, but it can bring on such strong emotions of emptiness and longing. While everyone around us is receiving flowers, getting hand drawn cards, or having arms wrap ...

12 Days of Christmas {Remembering Your Baby}

"As a Hope Mom or Dad, the first round of holidays is always the worst. Their absence is tangible to you, and you wonder how you can eat and be merry while your heart is bleeding out. It's always difficult to know how to honor your baby in the holiday season - do you put up a stocking? Do you take a family photo -- with our without a special item or photograph of them? Do you talk about him or her? My story is by no means the "ideal" -- all grief journeys are unique, just as each Hope Baby and family are unique.  But I want to share what my husband and I do to honor our Gwenny in special ways during this season: 1) Pumpkins are a visible ...

Empty Holidays; Hopeful Holidays

I remember my first Thanksgiving without my daughter. She had only been gone a few weeks, and I physically ached with missing her. A casual comment before the meal began: "We're all here..." and the silence as that comment sunk in sent me out door, on a long walk through a drizzling rain, arguing, praying and crying out to the Lord. Holidays are how we mark family growth. Pictures, memories, meals, chaos -- when you think back on childhood, don't most of your poignant memories surround the holidays? As a parent, we dream of turkey handprint paintings, introducing our child to the scrumptiousness of  heirloom recipes, and capturing ...

Father’s Day

by Holly Steele "It’s a boy!" were the words we heard for the second time on a beautiful March afternoon. I could see the huge smile on Ryan’s face without even looking at him. I am sure he was already day dreaming about all the sports they were going to be playing in the backyard and probably sizing up which of our boys would play pitcher or catcher. Those hope and dreams that my husband, Ryan had for our littlest never came true. However, words can’t explain how proud he was of Landry that he fought and held on as long as he did. He wanted to show him off to the world…. He just ran out of time. When Ryan and I said I do on July 2, 2005 ...

The Honest Truth

by Melissa HeereboutI am sitting here writing this on Mother’s Day Eve. My 3 kids are in bed and my husband is working late. Tomorrow will be my fourth Mother’s Day without my son Izaak. Tonight I sit on my couch trying to catch my breath from the messy tears I’ve been crying. It has been 1187 days since I held Izaak in my arms. And I’m still surprised at how fresh that pain can feel in certain moments. I had another blog written and ready to go. It was about being Warrior. Tonight my arms long for my son and being a warrior in this battle feels difficult. So I thought maybe my frankness might be better suited for this post. I am so ...