27 results for tag: Megan

Receiving a Fatal Diagnosis

Each child gone ahead from among us is a precious person made in the image of God—and all having been made into Hope Moms, we together declare motherhood in each of our journeys. We are eager to go above and beyond in showing honor and love for one another (Rom. 12:10, 15). Through this series, we honor each other’s experiences of motherhood in love through our shared God of hope. I still remember exactly where I was and what I was wearing when I got the phone call. My husband and I were still grieving the loss of two children through back to back miscarriages when I found out I was expecting again. Three pregnancies in one year was ...


“Imagine a priceless vase or ornament is dropped on the floor and smashed to pieces. The woman who loved it kneels down. She picks up the pieces, one by one. She looks at each one in detail, turning it round, as if to remember where it once belonged. The vase was loved and so when it was shattered, every piece was worth picking up, no matter how small. A grieving person will often want to talk about the smallest detail of their loss. It is as if every broken piece is taken up and wept over. When you listen, you may feel that the detail was small, but it is part of something that was supremely valued, part of something dearly loved” (Colin ...

Psalm 16 Reflections {Counsel}

If you’re new here or haven’t participated before, we’re so glad you joined us! Here’s how it works: To participate in our Psalm 16 Reflections link-up, all you have to do is write on the word or phrase of the week, post your words on your own blog, and link up the post here (via the InLinkz button at the bottom of the post). Be sure to add the actual permalink to your specific post, and not your blog’s homepage (e.g. https://hopemommies.org/psalm-16-reflections and not just hopemommies.org). If you don’t have a blog, you’re welcome to post your reflection in the comments here each week! This is meant to be a ...

Hope for the Holidays {Give Hope}

As the holidays approach and we begin to unpack and display all the subtle reminders of our sweet precious babies that aren’t with us, we can easily sink into sadness. This time of year is full of reminders and moments that make us stop and wonder what life would look like with our precious little ones. But, amidst all the heartache, we can have hope; a hope in a future because of our salvation through Jesus Christ. Our hope does not rest in things of this world, but in our eternal inheritance in heaven. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope ...

Megan’s Story

"I remember leaving work that Thursday afternoon feeling a little off and thinking to myself all the way home that it’s not possible for me to be pregnant. My husband and I had been reeling from back-to-back miscarriages that year, the last one only six weeks removed. I stared in disbelief as I saw the two lines appear. This wasn’t supposed to be happening; we still had more testing to go through and we weren’t ready to try again. After several weeks of the typical pregnancy symptoms and initial blood work, I had begun to pray earnestly for this little baby and so had my sweet friends and family. I remember someone telling me that this would ...

Anchored: Mourning with Hope

Over the next nine weeks on the blog, we will be following along with our fall Hope Groups as they go through Hope Mommies’ newly published Bible Study — Anchored.  For those of you who did not register for a group this year, this will be an opportunity to walk through the topics studied in our Hope Groups. For those of you who are currently participating in a Hope Group, our desire is for these posts to reinforce the lessons you are learning with your group.   Wherever you are in your journey through loss and grief, I pray that this series will encourage your heavy hearts, remind you of truth, and point you to the unrelenting, far-reaching ...

Anchored: Marked By Loss

Over the next nine weeks on the blog, we will be following along with our fall Hope Groups as they go through Hope Mommies' newly published Bible Study -- Anchored.  For those of you who did not register for a group this year, this will be an opportunity to walk through the topics studied in our Hope Groups. For those of you who are currently participating in a Hope Group, our desire is for these posts to reinforce the lessons you are learning with your group.   Wherever you are in your journey through loss and grief, I pray that this series will encourage your heavy hearts, remind you of truth, and point you to the ...