44 results for tag: Brittnie

Chance, Forever Held

We may have only carried our babies on this side of eternity for a short while, but they are forever held in our hearts. In this series, Hope Moms share how they have held their precious babies throughout the months and years following their home going. What has remembering your hope baby looked like for you? We would love to have you write about the traditions you have started to represent your hope baby in your holiday celebrations, family photos, home, etc., or how you celebrate their birthday or heaven day. Find out how you can share your story HERE. It seems like just yesterday I held you in my arms. Your body so tiny, yet so ...

Knowing Him: The True Vine

There is nothing greater than knowing Christ. Seven times in the book of John, Jesus offers us profound insight into His nature and character. In this series, we seek to guide the reader into a deeper understanding of these “I Am” statements, and the rich hope and comfort that can be found in Christ in the midst of grief. The room was quiet. I saw the concern on the ultrasound technician’s face as she gently circled her wand across my 20-week belly. Her demeanor had changed almost instantly from just a few minutes prior. After several seconds of horrid silence, she stated, “I am going to have the doctor come in.” In that ...

In the Word: God is My Stronghold

Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. Over the next several weeks, we will be studying Psalm 18:1-2 together. Psalm 18 was penned by David after God had delivered Him from the hands of his enemies, and is rich with metaphors describing the nature and character of God. In this series, we will be looking at how each of these attributes affords us a greater picture of God’s care for His children, and how knowing and believing these truths can bring comfort to our hearts in the midst of grief. As we study together, we encourage you to use the comments as a place to dialogue with us about what you are ...

You Will Not Be Consumed

  God’s Word is filled with rich promises for His children. How do these “precious and very great promises” inform and direct your grief? How does keeping your eyes fixed on these truths anchor your hope in the Lord? In this series, we write about how God, through the promises in His Word, comforts and strengthens us in our sorrow. My eyes opened slowly as the nurse touched my arm to wake me. She smiled. “I’m so glad you slept well. I didn’t see the need to wake you,” she tenderly stated. I had slept solid all night, which was such a gift after riding the emotional rollercoaster of the few days prior. Her ...

God is Faithful in the “No”

Head hung low, I left our anatomy scan appointment stunned and heartbroken. Expecting to discover if our little one was a boy or a girl, we instead learned our baby was gone. Two weeks prior there was the sound of a flourishing heartbeat, but that day, silence. I would be admitted to the hospital and induced in a little over forty-eight hours. While I knew with every ounce of my logical being that my baby was lifeless on that monitor, I began to pray for the miracle. I began to pray life over our little one. I petitioned the Father with every ounce of my being that this was some mistake—that the beat of my child’s heart would resume in my ...

In the Word: The Lord is There

Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. Over the next several weeks, we will be looking at different names of God found in Scripture, and how these different aspects of who He is offer us hope in the midst of our grief.  As we study together, we encourage you to use the comments as a place to dialogue with us about what you are learning and share your answers to the questions below. We pray that you hearts will be encouraged as you study these names of God along with us!  Jehovah—Shammah: “The Lord is There” “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will ...

In the Word: Jehovah Shalom

Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. Over the next several weeks, we will be looking at different names of God found in Scripture, and how these different aspects of who He is offer us hope in the midst of our grief.  As we study together, we encourage you to use the comments as a place to dialogue with us about what you are learning and share your answers to the questions below. We pray that you hearts will be encouraged as you study these names of God along with us!  Jehovah Shalom: “The Lord is My Peace” “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ...

Q: What Is My Baby’s Purpose?

This Q&A series is intended to help you take steps forward in wisdom. Lay your questions before Scripture with us; find in the ashes that wisdom “will place on your head a graceful garland; she will bestow on you a beautiful crown” (Prov. 4:9). What questions about grief, God, or the Bible do you have right now? Contact us here.    Why, Lord? What is the purpose in my pain? Why did my baby die? What was the purpose in this devastating loss, in my baby’s short life and death? These questions are common ones following pregnancy loss at any stage. Have you been there? Asking God “Why did you ...

Announcement: “Heard” E-Book Release

Today, we announce the release of the 2018 e-book created for Hope Moms, "Heard." With genuine desire, the shattered human heart can yearn to know that God hears its cries, that they reach His ear. The psalmist says, “I call upon You, for You will answer me, O God” (Psalm 17:6a ESV). And He hears the humble, honest cries of our indescribably depleted hearts (or, what seems to be left after crushing loss) as we call upon Him through the one Mediator: “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2:5 ESV). He has heard and known our greatest need, for before we knew to ask, He ...

All Held Together

“Imagine a priceless vase or ornament is dropped on the floor and smashed to pieces. The woman who loved it kneels down. She picks up the pieces, one by one. She looks at each one in detail, turning it round, as if to remember where it once belonged. The vase was loved and so when it was shattered, every piece was worth picking up, no matter how small. A grieving person will often want to talk about the smallest detail of their loss. It is as if every broken piece is taken up and wept over. When you listen, you may feel that the detail was small, but it is part of something that was supremely valued, part of something dearly loved” (Colin ...