In the Word: Our Light in the Darkness

Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals.  As we study God’s Word together, we encourage you to use the comments as a place to dialogue with us about what you are learning and share your answers to the questions below. We pray that you hearts will be encouraged as you dive in Scripture with us! 

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light;
Upon those who lived in a land of gloom a light has shone.”
Isaiah 9:2


Darkness took on a new meaning for me the day that we buried our daughter, Paige. It became a place that I couldn’t simply will myself out of on my own. It was a place full of sadness, tears, and heartache. But, the beautiful truth is that it is also in darkness that light can shine its brightest. When we are in the midst of the gloom, like Isaiah mentions, that is when we must turn to the Light shining brightly to lead us back out of the pit of despair. Jesus is the Light of the World. He is our Light in the darkness, and when we choose to turn our eyes to Him, He faithfully leads us to joy, peace, hope, and abundant life in Him.

The beautiful thing is that not only will His light lead us out of darkness, but it will dispel the darkness altogether. He chases it away, casts it off, and makes it disappear completely. That is His promise to us. No matter how much heartache we’re facing, He won’t let the darkness overtake us.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5

No matter where you are in your grief journey, sweet sister, I pray that you turn your eyes to the Light and rest in the knowledge that Jesus came so that the darkness—so that our babies’ deaths—would not be the final chapter, but rather the beginning of a new chapter fully immersed in His light. If you find your mind wandering down a dark pathway, remember that Jesus gives us a lamp to help light our way and guide our feet when we can’t do it on our own.

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105

God knew we couldn’t do it on our own; He never intended for us to walk this grief journey alone. He sent us His Son, Jesus, so that we would be able to rest in the hope of His light. He gave us the Word to constantly point us back to the Light of the world, and to remind us that death is not the end.

The longer I bask in His light, the brighter I, myself, feel. The more I dig into His Word and lean into Him, the more I feel His light encompassing and shining through me. I want to use my daughter’s story to find an even greater joy in our Savior, and to share that joy with others. Because He came, I will see my Paige again one day. Because He sent the Light of the world to save us, darkness will not overtake me, darkness will not win. And these are beautiful truths that we are called to shine onto others.

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good deeds and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 

Sweet Momma, I pray that you feel His light dispelling your darkness today, and that you allow your own light, found in Him, and your Hope Baby’s light in eternity, to shine brightly for others to see.

  1. Read Ephesians 5:8-9. What are some ways that you can live as a child of light as you walk along this grief journey of being a Hope Mommy?
  2. How has Jesus dispelled the darkness in your own life after having to say goodbye, for now, to your sweet Hope Baby?

There are countless verses about light throughout Scripture. Either use one that I included above, or do some digging in the Word and find one that truly speaks to you. Journal about the impact it has on your heart and how it encourages you to take yet another step forward in your journey.

- Anna

Hope Mom to Paige Abigail

Anna lives in Houston, TX and is a wife to Brendan, mom to hope baby Paige, and preschool teacher to a room full of four-year-olds. She finds joy in traveling with her husband, reading two or three books at a time, and sipping a strong cup of coffee at any local coffee shop. “Choose Hope” is Anna’s motto to live by, and she finds her daily strength through God’s Word and faithfulness.

We would be honored to share your story as a Hope Mom on our blog. On Saturdays we feature Hope Moms’ stories in order to showcase God’s faithfulness even in the midst of such deep sorrow. If you would like to have your story shared on our blog for this purpose, learn more and submit here.

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