Tomorrow is October 15

Many families will join across the country tomorrow, t, to remember babies, both in and out of the womb, who have been lost from our earthly lives. As we ready our hearts for this day, let us not forget the bereaved mothers and families who do not yet personally know the hope that is in Christ.

I pray that more and more grieving families in our country come to know and hear that this present fallen life, containing devastating loss and grief, is but a moment, and that there is hope beyond this world.

I hope this October 15 is a day to see that our grief does not need to isolate us—for there are others alongside of us who understand loss and are looking ahead to a lifetime of remembrance too.

I hope this is a day to reflect with great thankfulness on the unique children that remain dear and important parts of our families, though presently unseen.

I hope this is a day to remember our children in heaven with all joy, through flowing tears.

I hope this is a day that serves as a testimony to the world of the only hope there is—hope that is ours through the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

May the Lord be highly praised and exalted as we remember with hope the gifts He has given—our Hope Babies; may His truth be made known; may our joy in Christ be light in this world!


This year will be our third year observing PAIL Month and participating in the Wave of Light. After our first loss in 2018, my husband created this beautiful white cross to put in our garden to honor Baby B. My mother in law gave us a gorgeous garden stone that was custom made with a mosaic of a hummingbird and two blue flowers. We put that right next to the cross. It’s our place to worship and remember.

Last year, a year after losing B’s brother, Robert, we participated in the Wave of Light at the foot of the cross in our garden. On top of the stone we put three candles: one for each of our precious boys and one for all the other babies who went to heaven too soon. 

October 15 is a day where my husband and I take the opportunity to not just intentionally grieve our own losses, but also the losses of others. We bring out photos of our babies, set them next to the candles, and watch the sunset as a family together. It’s a special hour to sit and reflect. The addition of one candle, and the intention of praying for others in our situation, helps us feel less alone. It’s a beautiful evening where we can feel the fullness of our boy’s presence and hope for our future together in heaven.

- Paige

Hope Mom to Baby B and Robert II

We’d like to invite you, Hope Moms, friends and families, to join us tomorrow for a special online event during the Wave of Light at 7pm CENTRAL TIME.

This one hour zoom call will be hosted by Kristin Hernandez and worship will be led by Whitney Krusee. We invite you to join us for this special time, set-apart, with a message of hope and to praise and worhip the God we love—the God who holds our children until we can again.


If you do choose to share a photo of your October 15 remembrance this year, you can share your experience with the Hope Mommies community by using #HopeMommiesOct15

You can also search this hashtag in order to be encouraged that there are many fellow mothers walking this road of remembrance and hope in Christ along with you! And feel free to share a comment of encouragement on a fellow Hope Mom’s post; Christ’s hope unifies us all, sisters, across the miles.

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