Links for Hope Moms {Podcast, Article, & Sermon}

We want to share with you links to posts, videos, resources, and more to uplift, help, and encourage you in your walk with the Lord as you grieve. View past posts in this series here.

1. “Through the Lens,” by Holly Colonna & Kristin Hernandez

Podcast description: “Gospel-driven conversations on hope in the heartache, where two child-loss mamas discuss suffering and sanctification. No matter what shape your suffering takes, we invite you to join us in authentic conversation as we navigate through the trials of this life, keeping our eyes fixed on the hope of heaven.”


2. “How Would You Counsel a Couple Curious about IVF?” by C. Ben Mitchell  (see also: “An Interview with John Feinberg on Ethics for a Brave New World,” by Justin Taylor )

These resources are available to help those who are curious about IVF consider and weigh the facts surrounding this process.


3. “Relationships: Will We Know One Another In Heaven?” by Pastor Colin Smith

“In January on the Hope Mommies blog, we published a series about heaven. We went through two posts about the hope of our babies in heaven, a post about what the Bible teaches on purgatory, and then two posts about what the Bible says to expect heaven to be like. (You can find those posts here.) Whether or not we will know each other in heaven is one more related topic to consider that is likely of significance to us as Hope Moms, and I want to pass this sermon link on it along. Here is a brief quote from the sermon:

‘“After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” (Rev. 7:9)

Notice that the distinct identity of every person in this vast crowd is maintained.  They are from every tribe, nation, and language.  The distinct individuality of every one of God’s people is preserved.  What makes us different no longer divides.  There is not a hint of conflict or tension.  Truly, in the presence of God, “out of many, God’s people will be one.”

This speaks directly to the question: Will we know one another in heaven?  Let me give you a one word answer, and then seek to support it from the Bible.  Will we know one another in heaven?  Yes!  You will be you.  I will be me.  We will all be like Christ, but each of us will reflect his likeness through our own individuality.’”



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