Hope Groups

by Erin Cushman

Part of our mission here at Hope Mommies is to create community for women who have experienced infant loss. The word “community” is so trendy these days that it almost loses it’s meaning. You don’t have to be a great philosopher or student of sociology to see that people need people. They need someone to understand, to listen, to laugh and cry with, to “do life with”… we need someone to KNOW us. Our need of others is ultimately a mere reflection of our need for Christ.

Hope Groups, our new 8 week small groups launching this fall, are our way of creating a more intentional, close knit community of women who have similar stories. C.S. Lewis once wrote, “Friendship is born the moment one person says to the other, ‘Oh, you too? I thought I was the only one!” The importance of knowing that you are not alone in suffering the separation from a beloved son or daughter cannot be overstated.

Hope Groups are launching October 1, and will continue until November 26. Each group will spend 8 weeks discussing, praying, and seeking answers from God’s Word about topics related to pregnancy and infant loss. Every Hope Group Leader is a mom who has experienced grief, and has patiently and trustingly endured loss and has pressed into Christ to find hope. You can learn more about Hope Groups, check out our Hope Group Leaders and register HERE. Registrations are filling fast, so please don’t miss this opportunity to join with other Hope Moms in such a unique way!


ErinErin Cushman is the co-founder and Director of Hope Mommies. Erin is married to Blair and has two children: Gwendolyn, who has been with Jesus since October 20, 2010, and Malacai, who is one. She loves photography, gardening, cooking, reading, playing with her son, and loves especially when all those things combine. You can get to know her more by reading her blog, Our Blessed Hope

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