Hope Group Testimony {Shannon’s Experience}

In March 2016, I joined “the club” that nobody wants to be a part of. I lost my son, Eli Joshua, shortly after he was born due to a genetic condition. I was broken. But this “club” is full of the bravest, fiercest love that you can imagine. The Hope Mommies community helped anchor me to Hope during the darkest times—providing a place to grieve in an honest and faith-filled way.

In January 2017, I got an “elite” club membership, after saying goodbye to my second son, Joey Daniel, shortly after his birth…due to the same genetic condition. To say I was shattered would be an understatement. I was so angry, disappointed, and confused.

The Hope Mommies community was, again, a safe place to process and be encouraged, but I was letting the disappointment get so big. I saw that Hope Mommies was opening registration for a Hope Group study, and I felt it tug on my heart. I signed up, not fully knowing what was in store, but figured there was nothing to lose.

“Deep down, I longed for connection and community with people who had been where I had been, and who knew the same tears.”

I feel like Jesus met me in the “I AM” study and group. He breathed life into the places I was letting get too dark by gently—and sometimes not so gently—reminding me of His never-changing character. He sees me. He is faithful. He is love. He has my boys in the palm of His hand, and I have the eternal hope of seeing them again because of who He is. He is using my story for His glory, even the hard parts.

The women in my group have been incredible—each of us has our own story and heartache, but we all know the same kind of pain. The group was a safe place to share emotions and thoughts —a place full of understanding, and no shame.

We encouraged each other, prayed for each other, walked through the hard things together, and learned about God (and ourselves) from a refreshed perspective.

The Hope Group has been a sweet, significant part of my healing process. The truths of His character are soothing my aching heart, reminding me that He alone is my Hope.

- Shannon

Hope Mom to Eli and Joey

I am beautifully broken and swimming in grace. I get to do life with incredible husband, Jon, and we have three beautiful children—two of them are already in heaven dancing with our Jesus, and a 3 year old daughter, Callie, who brings such joy to our lives. The beach is our happy place. We love good food, dance parties in the kitchen, and cheering on the Broncos. We long to grow our family, and are clinging to our faithful God as our story continues to be written.


Registration for our Fall Hope Groups will be open from July 8 through August 10!  

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with other women, share your story, and experience the hope of Christ!  Hope Groups will run from the week of September 9 through the week of November 11.

To learn more and register for a group follow this link —–> Register Now

Submit your testimony to Hope Mommies’ blog!



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