Who Can Know God’s Ways?

Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. Over the next several weeks, we will be studying the book of Ecclesiastes together, which centers on the truth that life apart from Christ is empty and vain. In its pages, we discover how to view our lives with an eternal perspective, enabling us to press into the Lord regardless of our circumstances. In this series, we seek to explore the wise principles presented to us by “the Teacher” in order to better understand what it looks like to walk in the fear and joy of the Lord even in the midst of our grief.

“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” Ecclesiastes 11:5


One of the most comforting, and simultaneously frustrating, truths I have come to read in God’s Word is the idea that I will never fully understand the ways of our Father. I am not in control, and I am not given privilege to the inner workings and behind the scenes tapestry weavings of God. On one hand, this truth brings freedom and peace to my soul. On the other hand, this truth brings confusion to my heart.

Multiple times in the Word, we are encouraged to press into the Lord, regardless of our circumstances. We are told that the joy of the Lord is our strength, even when our circumstances do not make sense to our naked, human eye and grieving, hurting heart. Birthing my son far too soon? Watching a nurse wrap his little body and wheel him out of the delivery room? Standing by his gravesite, tears rolling down my cheeks, not wanting to walk away? These are the things I do not understand. Why, God? What is the point of this pain? How is this loss working all things for good? I do not understand this one, God. 

Yet, even in the pain, even when I didn’t feel like it, I continued to walk in the fear of the Lord and put my trust in Him. I do not understand you, God, Maker of all things, but I will keep pressing in toward You with all I have, because I know, deep down, Your heart is precious toward me. And the more I continued to walk toward Him in trust, the more peace filled my heart and rest filled my mind—even in the not knowing and understanding of why I had to say goodbye to my only son.

  1. Ecclesiastes assures us that there are some things in life we will never understand. How do you feel about this truth?
  2. Where in Scripture do you see this truth played out in the lives of other biblical characters?

One practice that has helped me, when faced with a situation where I simply cannot explain what God is up to, is journaling His past faithfulness in my life. Taking time to reflect on all the ways God has shown up for me and been true to His Word, helps me trust Him in the present hurt. Take time today to journal or bullet point times when you have seen God’s faithfulness in your own life up to this point. Then, write a prayer of renewed trust in His master plan.

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