Through the Waiting
Waiting. Are you feeling the pains of waiting too?
Life is incomplete because we lost the presence of God in the garden. We don’t know Him as He so wants to be known by us. He created us for that purpose, to live our lives with and unto Him. I adore that God walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. Oh, can you imagine? The God of all walking with His people, fellowshipping with them. Oh, how could have Adam and Eve desired more than that?
But they were pulled away by the evil one. They were pulled away by desires stirred in their own hearts. My friends, God is a good God. I know that the world tells us otherwise. The world tells us that God is not to be trusted—that there is too much pain and evil in this place for Him to be trustworthy. But is He the one who tempted Adam and Eve in the garden? Is He the one who put evil desires into the hearts of Adam and Eve? Of course not.
We need to keep our thinking calibrated according to the Scriptures. God is good, and He longs to be near to us. He is that kind. Think of the grace of God to long to be near people who reject Him, who turn away from Him, who believe falsities about Him! Now that is the kind of God we serve. That is the kind of God I have met on the pages of Scripture and through personal fellowship with Him. That is the God whose presence is the mainstay of my life.
Though, I will say His presence is not what it will be—not like seeing Him face-to-face. So, here’s what we do. We wait until God fully shows us Himself. He’s waiting, you know. The Bible says He is patient in returning so that the full number of people come to Him. He’s not slow in fulfilling His promise. No, He is faithfully waiting for all of His own whom He has foreknown to turn to Him.
Oh, to walk with God in the cool of that new, face-to-face day! For that honor and privilege! We will know His presence in that kind of manner one day. Will you trust Him now to reveal Himself to you like that one day? Will you trust Him now so that He will walk with you face-to-face one day? Will you go step-by-step with Jesus here so that you will achieve an eternal glory that far outweighs this all? Will you wait for Him like He waits for you—His waiting like a bridegroom for His bride?
Do not be mistaken; this world is not all that is. God has eternal joys prepared for us at His right hand. Think of the glory of not sinning, of no broken relationships, of no loss! Think of the kind of order He will usher us into! It will be good. Because we have a good God. It’s not all over yet! Don’t pretend it is! This grief and loss have been made part of your life. Let us see what He does while we wait—to see the kind of people He makes us through our longing for glory and the kind of presence He has in our lives while we wait for the face-to-face revelation of Jesus Christ. Life is incomplete, but He is working, friends, through the waiting pains.
- Lianna
Hope Mom to Noelle

Lianna is author of Made for a Different Land: Eternal Hope for Baby Loss (Hope Mommies, 2019). More of her writing can be found at her website.
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