Thanksgiving 2013

by Kellye Tilford

So, here it is. New Year to do lists came and went. Spring break happened. Graduates walked across the stage. Summer, in her fashion, went way too quickly. School began. Tree tops phased through the most delightful of Fall colors. And, here we are. Thanksgiving. We all know when Thanksgiving comes, so does Christmas decor in the local shops! After eating some pumpkin pie, we ostensibly wake up to Christmas morning; and somehow, 2013 is over & 2014 makes its grand appearance.

Somewhere in these months is the glorious day you discovered that God had granted you the gift of growing a baby! A due-date circled, highlighted, and anticipated was put on your calendar! Then the date which you found out boy, girl, or even twins! Then baby shower dates, appointments with your doctor or mid-wife: planning for all things Baby was in full swing.

Somewhere in these months, woven between this year’s calendar markers, your baby went to be with Jesus. (Or maybe it was a year ago. Or five. But, you know the date, you always will.)

And that date.  The date on which your baby’s heart stopped beating here on this earth, and he or she went from being yours to raise, to being in the King’s arms. Before some of you could even get a chance to sing over their listening ears, “Jesus loves you this I know……” they were in the gates of Heaven.

Then, that due date you had circled, starred, & prayed over came & went… looking so much differently than you had ever anticipated.

The Bible tell us, “…give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:14)

And we are here . Thanksgiving 2013. Not only is the world telling you to be thankful, but so is the Good Word of God.

It is not a matter of “how” to be thankful this holiday.  You are not being asked to smile instead of letting your tears of grief roll. Let them roll, sister. The wisest man to ever live wrote in Ecclesiastes about there being a time for everything– “A time to cry & and a time to laugh. A time to grieve and a time to dance.”

So, let’s not focus on the “how” to be thankful” but the “why” to be thankful.

As believers in a God who created the universe, and knows every bird that falls to the ground, named all the stars, can tell you the number of hairs on any head, & sent his son, Jesus, to walk among us, be murdered on a wooden tree, bearing the weight of all sin, & who then rose up from the DEAD, we will be welcomed into the gates of Heaven, be seen worthy of the ultimate inheritance!

Because we believe, hope in, trust, and seek THAT God, we have so much to be thankful for! Because Jesus Christ defeated death, we can sincerely applaud and shout praises in ANY life storm.

One of the world’s most beautiful, humble, altruistic, and loving servants of Jesus Christ, spoke from a life that bloomed in a sea of destitution, depression, suffering, & heartache: Mother Teresa. Let her words resonate in your aching heart:

“Let nothing so disturb us, so fill us with sorrow or discouragement, as to make us forfeit the joy of the resurrection. Joy is not simply a matter of temperament in the service of God & souls; it is always hard. All the more reason why we should try to acquire it & make it grow in our hearts. We may not be able to give much but we can always give the joy that springs from a heart that is in love with God.

There is beauty in you being exactly where you are. Whether it be in the waves of grief or buried in absolute depression– be there. But, take heart, sister, and remember there is Truth for you in the midst of that darkness; a Truth whose brightness can awaken your soul to be joyful. 

You do not need to fake a smile for an aunt, or hold back tears when your Grandma squeezes your hand. There is no need for you to laugh at the Thanksgiving table when all you want to do is cry at the lacking highchair. Many family members and friends will be thankful to really see you & be with you. Many of them will be especially eager to love on you. They may not now how exactly, or what to say. Someone may make an ignorant joke. Be gracious. Be you. It’s okay to show up to Thanksgiving 2013 with a hurting heart. But, don’t forget to let the joy of the resurrection be your foundation.

I challenge you… let your heart feel the joy & freedom in the Truth that this world is not our home. This is not eternity. Allow the astonishing Truth that, as Christians, we are coheirs with Christ, Jesus in HEAVEN, to carry you!

Don’t you let the enemy steal your joy this Thanksgiving, especially since the root of that joy is the significance of Jesus.

You are reading this from a computer; so I can assume you are in a house with electricity. Which makes me assume you have a heater running and flowing water. You are blessed. You have things to be thankful for. But, maybe this Thanksgiving we can rename it for the broken-hearted who are trudging through the ache of death… Truthgiving.

When relatives ask how you are doing, may you have the courage to share the truth– you are devastated & wish your baby was having his/her first Thanksgiving, and that it is just hard. The holidays can be challenging for many reasons. And, may you have the courage to follow up with the truth of all truths– you still have joy in your heart because your hope is in Jesus & you have been promised eternity with Him.

Truthgiving– give truthful responses that are ultimately saturated in the truth of God’s promise that we get to spend eternity with Him!  Give Jesus to those around you even though your tank feels empty.

May your heart welcome the truth of Jesus and in return may you have a hurting heart that is beating to the rhythm of the most unshakeable joy– Jesus.

Be you. Be free. Hug tightly. Eat pie. Grieve well. Give truth. Give Jesus.

Happy Truthgiving 2013, treasured soul.



Kellye Tilford is a seeker of Jesus, wife to Josh, Mama to Asher, & Hope Mommies’ Prayer Coordinator. She loves lasagna, rearranging her living room, Romans 8, & running trails. A heart eager for God’s Kingdom to come!

1 Reply to "Thanksgiving 2013"

  • Angie Risley-Merritt
    December 4, 2013 (6:36 am)

    As a very new Hope Mommy to two sweet babies (Lola and Jude), this post has me in tears. Some tears of sadness because you have encapsulated my feelings for this recently-passed holiday, but also tears of truth. Tears of truth as I replay the recent events over and over and over again without a different outcome. Tears of truth because I can nod my head in agreement to the heartbreaking situations you describe above like empty highchairs at the Thanksgiving table. Tears of truth because I know—I KNOW—that I am still so blessed, so much more blessed than I deserve, and yet I have been yelling at God for not saving my babies while accidentally-pregnant teenagers seem to be everywhere I go.

    Thank you for your honesty, and for forcing me to be honest with myself. Yes, I am grieving. Yes, this is the worst emotional pain I’ve ever experienced. And yes, I’m angry with God. But thank you for promoting Truth as well. The TRUTH is one thing remains:

    “His love never fails, it never gives up, and it never runs out on me.”

    Blessings to you.

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