48 results for tag: Erin

Gwendolyn’s Story

by Erin Cushman   If you're a Hope Mom, talking about your children just isn't the easiest thing. Answering the question, "How many kids do you have?" or "Oh, too bad you don't have a girl!" or "Is this your first?" becomes complicated the moment it leaves the person's mouth. Any conversation becomes awkward as soon as death is introduced. How do you tell someone that your baby is in Heaven? How do you communicate the depth and gravity of that truth? If I cry, do you understand it better? If I don't, does she seem less important to me? When I tell her story, what do I want you to hear? My daughter Gwendolyn went to Heaven 36 hours after she ...


This is from a Hope Mom's personal blog, www.ourblessedhope.blogspot.com, about the Hope Mommies retreat that took place February 1-3, 2013. (more…)

The Things We Say

A month or so ago I had an insightful conversation with a good friend about the things people say accidentally, and usually very innocently, that hurt our feelings. I remember after my daughter fell asleep that the phrases, "took my breath away", "you're killing me!" and other such (ridiculous) innocent collections of words pierced me every time. At times it was difficult to bite my tongue to keep from lashing out, "Of course it's not killing you!" When discussing this with my friend, who has had deep wounds but of a different nature, it has made me wonder how often I have innocently phrased things that have hurt those around me. Do I joke or ...

Spilling over

Another Hope Mom and I were recently discussing how our losses have affected our love for our other children. After her son went to Jesus, someone had comforted her with the words that her heart had expanded to love three children, and with one of them in Heaven, the other two would be experiencing a little extra love that many children don't receive. She reflected to me how accurate that word had become to her, and that her love for her son in Heaven had now overflowed onto her other kids. Her love for him was not stifled, stopped, or locked away in a memory box. It is a live, participating love that enables her to relish the smiles and joys of her ...


At the beginning of each month, I update our Hope Babies Calendar for the website so it will accurately reflect how old our children are if you click on their name. (more…)

The Gift

The woman is kneeling, offering up her tears and sorrow to God. Her tears flow to the ground, watering the tree of life which yields a single blossom above her, representing growth, beauty, and hope. The sunrise represents God, full of Light, shining on her and shattering the dark of night, bringing forth a new day full of hope. Phung Ngo Martin, Artist                   (more…)

Psalm 62:8

Trust in Him at all times, O peoples; pour out your heart to Him; God is a refuge for us. Psalm 62:8 (more…)

A Forgotten Attitude

Meekness has been on my mind. www.dictionary.com defines meekness as "patient, long-suffering, or submissive in disposition or nature; humble" (I'm a fan of the dictionary.) (more…)