“My Savior” by Kristen Clack {Song Giveaway}

“My first-born son, Micah, was born “normal” but at 13-months of age, fell tragically from a second story window. His little heart stopped beating and his dad held him in his arms when he took a final breath. In that moment, time stopped. The deafening echoes of the paramedic sirens couldn’t drown the deep angst in my heart. “Please, someone help him.” I mumbled the words, but numbness overtook me. I was in an inconceivable dream. The hurried paramedic team bustled around me as they attempted cardioversions, intravenous medications, bagged breathing, and chest compressions. It felt surreal and time stood still. In a daze I wondered, “How could everything be normal one moment and in the next moment, devastating?”


Micah was miraculously revived after 25 minutes of CPR and a speedy trip to the hospital. When Micah’s heart began to beat, it would still be months before he would revive from his coma. When we were discharged from the hospital, we knew he had lost everything. He couldn’t move (quadriplegia). He was blind. He had a permanent feeding tube (g-tube). He was given a coughing machine and oral suction machine because he couldn’t even cough on his own. He had lost everything. He was alive: breathing on his own at the most. My little baby, as I knew him, would never be the same.

This was the deepest pain I have ever felt, followed by the devastating abandonment of my husband three years later. In my pain, I knew God had a plan, but how could this be His plan?  We are surrounded by brokenness. Broken people in a broken world. Brokenness overwhelmingly happens, and it is painful.

I marvel that God promises in all things, that He works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). He works in all things. So, my brokenness and your brokenness is being worked together by Him for good things. It’s like He takes our pain and fits it into His design. And His design is good. Our brokenness is not good, but His plan to turn our brokenness into something beautiful is good.

I wrote a song to honestly meditate on what this means. How do we wait for God to beautify something so ugly and painful? When joy comes, it will be easier to praise Him. But before that joy comes, there’s a hope that can’t be seen. And that hope can be known and trusted. God is still on the throne, He is still working out the good, and He is compassionately coming….”

Song Giveaway

“My Savior” by, Kristen Clack

In my pain
In my grief
There’s a hope
That can’t be seen
But through the cross
Fits my pain
Into Your design

[Pre-chorus] Though I can’t
Trace Your hand
Your love is firm
Like Your plan
And joy will come
In the morning
This brokenness
You will redeem

[Chorus] My Savior is coming
I’ve walked this road
Of misunderstanding
So Exalt Him, Oh Mighty God
Will call His saints
Into His glory
So exalt Him, oh Mighty God

Though I now
For a little while
Am greatly grieved
By various trials
Prove more worth
Than any gold
Refine by fire
My faith is found

[Bridge] You are good
You won’t delay
Your perfect plan
We’ll see one day
So I run to You
In the unknown
And I won’t fall


Today, Hope Mommies is partnering with Kristen to giveaway 20 iTunes downloads of her beautiful and heartfelt song, “My Savior.” Thank you, Kristen! Entry is open below.

Kristen Clack debuted as a recording artist in 2015 with her first original single entitled, "My Savior." God promises that He is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18). She has experienced deep grief and depression to know that God's promise really is true. Her son, Micah, is an amazing little boy who has a traumatic brain injury from a tragic accident that occurred when he was 13 months old: https://vimeo.com/41910950 Her single is available on iTunes: tunes.apple.com/us/album/my-savior-single/id1064268716

Kristen Clack debuted as a recording artist in 2015 with her first original single entitled, “My Savior.” God promises that He is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18). She has experienced deep grief and depression to know that God’s promise really is true. Her son, Micah, is an amazing little boy who has a traumatic brain injury from a tragic accident that occurred when he was 13 months old: https://vimeo.com/41910950 Her single is available on iTunes: tunes.apple.com/us/album/my-savior-single/id1064268716

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

8 Replies to ""My Savior" by Kristen Clack {Song Giveaway}"

  • Jennifer Joyner
    January 14, 2016 (2:17 pm)

    He fits it into His design… Yes.

  • Jennifer Joyner
    January 14, 2016 (2:19 pm)

    Music was so important to me in the first year and a half especially. So many songs spoke right to me heart where I was.

  • Kelly Fay
    January 14, 2016 (4:17 pm)

    Suffering…. it never leaves you the same. Better or bitter. Kristen, thank you for letting Jesus shine through your broken places. Your son is beautiful in every way.

  • Liz Wilson
    January 14, 2016 (5:11 pm)

    Beautiful lyrics. Just listened to the sample of this song on iTunes.

  • Stacy
    January 15, 2016 (3:56 am)

    Life is a song, Good love is the music. Music truly is soothing to the soul.

  • Stacy
    January 15, 2016 (3:57 am)

    Life is a song, God’s love is the music. Music truly is soothing to the soul.

  • Ashlee Schmidt
    January 15, 2016 (5:00 pm)

    Thank you for everyone who participated in this giveaway! The winners have all been notified and Kristen Clack will be getting in touch with you regarding how to receive this download of her song! Congratulations to each of our winners!

  • David Gorr
    April 3, 2020 (10:03 am)

    May I get a copy of your song? I would love to hear it!

    Thank you

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