Local Chaper Spotlight: Houston Chapter

What’s happening in Houston:

In July of 2017, my husband and I welcomed our son, William, into the world and ushered him into heaven at the same moment. A couple of weeks later, I was gifted a Hope Box and an invitation into the Hope Mommies Community. I was so thankful a group of women existed that could understand and give me language for the astounding direction life had taken. That fall, I joined an online Hope Group through which I was given incredible support and encouragement.

I knew my journey through grief would not have been the same without this special group of women who understood my pain like no one else in my life. Halfway through the group, I noticed a yearning to have in-person conversations with them, but being unable to due to proximity (some of whom even lived in another country!). I estimated a city the size of Houston must contain hundreds of mamas who also needed a local community to carry them in their unique form of grief. I knew Hope Mommies was the perfect platform to fill this need, and felt it was about time that Houston had a chapter of its own. God whispered his call on my heart and lead me to other Houston-area Hope Moms who wanted to participate in a new chapter.

On June 1, 2019 the Houston Chapter officially launched. With over fifteen volunteers,  the chapter is currently able to reach out to new Hope Moms in the Houston Metro area, organize monthly gatherings, assemble and deliver Hope Boxes, and prepare for an October Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Memorial Event. During the past few years, the Brenham-College Station Chapter has been supplying Hope Boxes to major hospitals in the Texas Medical Center in downtown Houston. Since Houston assumed those hospitals, the BCS Chapter has provided Houston with incredible support to ensure a continual supply of Hope Boxes. In July, the Houston chapter held their first Hope Box gathering where they assembled 200 boxes destined for these hospitals. In addition, Houston is hosting two fall Hope Groups where they are studying “Anchored” and “I AM” and will have a memorial event on October 16 to honor the Hope Babies of the Houston Area.

Currently the chapter is focusing on fundraising so they can continue to supply Hope Boxes to the Medical Center as well as form new hospital partnerships. In 2020, The Houston Chapter is looking forward to becoming a hopeful resource for more women and families of loss. We hope to add a third Hope Group, “Identity,” host a fundraising event, and determine the best ways to provide local support among the sprawling Houston Metro area.

- Kelly Ransdell

Houston Chapter President and Hope Mom to William
Pray for Houston:
  • We ask you join us in prayer to find favor with individuals and corporations in the Houston area to support us as we grow.
  • We also request prayer for God to continue to raise up volunteers with a passion for this ministry.

Hope Mommies Chapters assist in our mission to share the Hope of Christ with bereaved mothers and families experiencing infant loss by serving their local communities through providing on-the-ground support in their geographical area.

Would you like to see a local chapter in your area?

We are currently accepting new Chapter applications.
Submissions will be accepted July 1, 2019 – January 31, 2020.

Learn more and apply here!

2 Replies to "Local Chaper Spotlight: Houston Chapter"

  • Reagan
    October 17, 2019 (3:43 pm)

    Good job following God’s leading, Kelly! William’s mama helping other mamas have hope 🙂 I’ll be praying for this chapter.

    • Francis
      June 1, 2020 (10:26 pm)

      Are you current operating? If so how can I get involve?

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