Links for Hope Moms: January Edition

We want to share with you links to posts, videos, and resources from around the web to uplift, help, and encourage you in your walk with the Lord as you grieve.

  1. {“Even If He Doesn’t,” via Your Mom Has a Blog} // “When the bad things come, when the kind of rescue we think we need just isn’t part of our story, will we be able to testify before a watching world that God can do it, that He will do it, but even if He doesn’t, we won’t turn away. We won’t lose hope. We won’t lose faith. And, we will say forever and ever, He is good. 
  2. {“God Did Not Forget Naomi,” via Of Larks} // “I want to sing praise alongside Naomi and cry tears of joy with her. The Lord has not forgotten Naomi; He has not only left her with a man who has redeemed her family but has given her a grandson through whom the Redeemer will bring true restoration in Jesus Christ. The Lord is faithful in every season and circumstance, and we need not let ourselves be defined by the places we have found ourselves in. Take heart dear friends: the God of peace who loves us has sent out to redeem our hearts in the midst of every circumstance.”
  3. {“What Jesus Did to Death,” by John Piper via Solid Joys} // This post is on the heart of the gospel; because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we believers can trust ourselves and our Hope Babies to God that death is not punishment, but is entrance into salvation. (Here you can listen to John Piper on our Scriptural hope that our babies are in heaven.)

Flashback post: Beautiful Inheritance {Hope Mommies 2017 Retreat Theme} // Have you decided to attend the Hope Mommies retreat this year? In this post, our director shares the theme of the 2017 retreat. Registration for the Hope Mommies retreat is currently closed. If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please email

The Hope Mommies blog is accepting submissions. Learn more:


Lianna (@liannadavis) and her husband, Tyler, have two dear girls—one who lives in heaven and one who lives on earth. Lianna serves with Hope Mommies. Find her and other Christian women writing at

Lianna (@liannadavis) and her husband, Tyler, have two dear girls—one who lives in heaven and one who lives on earth. Lianna serves with Hope Mommies. Find her and other Christian women writing at Of Larks.

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