In the Word: He Is Still Good

Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. Over the next several weeks, we will be studying the book of Habakkuk together. In this book, we gain insight into how God is at work on our behalf even when we can’t always see it. Join us in the weeks ahead as we discover the God who is who carefully and lovingly crafted you, and lovingly created the gift of your child for which you now long. He has not carried you thus far simply to leave you on your own, but will be your Guide and your Strength.
“O Lord, I have heard the report of you, and your work, O Lord, do I fear. In the midst of the years revive it; in the midst of the years make it known; in wrath remember mercy.” Habakkuk 3:2
Take some time to read Habakkuk 3. Can you sense the change in heart and perspective in Habakkuk? His complaints have been answered: God is listening, and He is still good. And it’s from these firm convictions that Habakkuk’s laments become faith-filled prayers.
Note how he is still requesting things from the Lord. A resigned belief in God’s engaged existence and His goodness is not the goal of your faith. An active, “leaning in” to God’s character and covenant is. God desires to hear and answer His children, for their good and His own glory.
Habakkuk looks reflectively at God’s past demonstrations of power, justice and mercy, and concludes that if God was faithful in the past, He will be faithful today. It is the unbreakable covenant faithfulness of God that comforts Habakkuk and softens his heart. Instead of ‘waiting angrily on a watchtower’, the noise in his soul has quieted as he waits patiently for God’s justice and salvation to come.
- In what ways have you experienced a change of heart like Habakkuk did?
- In what ways do you still need to be leaning in to the Lord in the midst of your sorrow?
Write out the evidences of God’s faithfulness in your life. Looking back at your loss, how have you seen God provide preparation, comfort, strength, or protection for you? Thank God for His enduring faithfulness towards you, and ask Him to help you continue to lean into Him in faith.
- Erin
Hope Mom to Gwendolyn and Baby Cush
Erin Cushman is the founder of Hope Mommies. She is married to Blair and has four children: Gwendolyn, who has been with Jesus since October 20, 2010, Malacai, who is three, Gemma, born in June 2015, and Baby Cush. She loves photography, gardening, cooking, reading, playing with her children, and especially loves when all those things combine.
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