In the Word: A Future That Won’t Be Ruined

Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. It is our desire that this series will aid you in getting in the Bible for yourself and discovering the joy that comes from hearing from God through the pages of His Word.

“to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you,”


We as believers were included in Christ’s last will (John 17:22). That means that with Him, we will inherit new bodies that can never die and a new environment that will not be governed by the effects of sin—like sorrow, tragedy, and pain. According to 1 Peter 1:23, our earthly faith came from the seed that will grow into this inheritance—both the seed and the inheritance are imperishable. Surely the imperishable seed we enjoy on earth will grow into something magnificent before our eyes. What’s also sure from these verses is that what we know now about our experience of our inheritance is only the beginning. In fact, we hardly know how to begin to describe the glories ahead except by comparison, by use of negatives. Our future is not like this earth: not perishable, not defiled, and not fading. We may feel that our lives are being ruined and cheapened, and are dissipating here. We, who have so personally tasted the effects of death’s bitterness, are all too familiar with the fleeting nature of life here on earth. Yet, there is, right now, an imperishable seed in us that will one day grow into a new heavenly inheritance beyond our current comprehension. An inheritance that our precious babies are experiencing even now.


•This passages lists three things heaven will not be. That teaches us a lot about heaven! Would you like to make your own list? In your own words, what are you so grateful that heaven will not be?

•Read John 17:20-16. Can you believe it? Jesus prays for us in the Bible. What does Jesus’ prayer teach us about what our glorious future and our Christian relationships have to do with one another? 

•Have you been encouraged by hope-filled unity with other believers since your baby went to glory? What are some examples from your life?

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