Danielle’s Story of Hope

My growth in trusting God’s faithfulness started before I got pregnant. When I was 45, I worked hard to worship God with my body by being careful to keep it as healthy as possible in case I would be blessed with another pregnancy. I had heard many negative things about older mothers, and did not have many people in my life who were supportive of me wanting to have another child at my age. If I were able to have another child, I knew it would be for God’s glory, and l would be dedicated to the task of raising him or her to know and love God.

I became pregnant in 2023 with my eighth baby, thirty years since my first pregnancy. I had an amazingly healthy and happy pregnancy, and continued to work hard to listen to my baby and body and let the Holy Spirit guide me through the natural fears and worries that would pop into my mind. I intended to have a home birth like my last two children if that was still a healthy option for me and this baby. Each day, I was so grateful to feel constant movement, hiccups, and growth, and to know the baby was safe inside me.

At 42 weeks, I was having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions which was normal for me, but I could not tell if I had felt the baby moving for the last 12 hours. I called my midwife, and she said to come in for a non-stress test. One of the trainees found my baby breech, and she easily flipped the baby back, but the non-stress test did not go well. I had already had an ultrasound scheduled since I had gone 42 weeks like my previous pregnancy, so we went to the scan to receive more information. The midwife said I needed to have the baby today and not at home as there might be breathing issues. She gave me castor oil, which I drank on the way to the scan to induce.

My husband and two little boys came to the scan to get a chance to see the baby for the first time. We could tell by the technician’s body language and by taking a long look at the heart during the ultrasound that something was wrong. He quickly ended the scan and told us we needed a more advanced scan immediately because he saw fluid on the lungs and could not clear her heart as normal.

I drove straight to the University of Utah hospital and two hours later my daughter was born. A baby girl that I had waited and prayed for since the birth of my my first daughter 28 years earlier. It was such a surprise, that I didn’t even have a name ready for her.

She was immediately intubated and drugged, and we did not know her condition. We looked her over, and I saw a gorgeous six-pound snow-white baby girl with dark curly hair and high-arched eyebrows. She looked perfect to us, a sleeping beauty that was trying to suck on her tube in her slumber. I had such bad experiences with allopathic doctors and hospitals before. But God, in His faithfulness, made this a fantastic experience with the best nurses and doctors who loved and cared for my baby and showed she had value.

I didn’t know what was happening, but my faith was strong, and I believed God was a God of miracles. I have seen God’s faithfulness in my life already many times. I knew God was for us and only wanted what was best for us. My baby girl was first and foremost God’s child, and He loved her even more than I ever could. I knew God had total control of everything.

We named her Daniela Viviana. The following week was a series of invasive tests and scans as she had several abnormalities. Daniela had tetralogy of Fallot and chylothorax, which cleared up soon after birth. At one week old, Daniela was diagnosed with Trisomy 18. We were devastated, but I am so glad I did not find out until this time so that I just enjoyed every day of my pregnancy with her without fear and worry getting in the way. I was Daniela’s constant support, cheerleader, advocate, and encourager.

I was so excited every day because I could touch her, smell her, kiss her, and cuddle her in the NICU, and have skin-to-skin for hours in between pumping. I read Scripture and prayed over her as she would be in her deepest sleep, so comfy, snuggled up to her mama. Everyone noticed Daniela’s sweet, graceful spirit fighting for her life. She progressed and surprised people every day. She made me so proud and was doing so well despite her life-limiting diagnosis.

Daniela began acting like a full-term baby. I could hear her cry, coo, move around, look

around, and start to get to know her and what she liked and did not like. I took pictures and videos of her every day to send updates to my children who could not be there. I was so blessed by all the doctors and nurses; they cared for her so well.

When she was 23 days old, On her 23rd day, she was progressing well and fighting hard to live.  I had just watched her suck, swallow, and breathe while drinking my breastmilk out of a tiny syringe while we were having our skin-to-skin time. I could not be more proud. I was so happy for her. However, while I held her and talked to a nurse about her progress, she began getting fussy. Soon after, passed out from her cardiac arrest. I asked God to save her, prayed over her, and encouraged her as a team of 15 people tried life-saving measures for 35 minutes. The staff did everything they could for her.

I was so grateful to be holding her as she passed out and slipped into eternity at 3:59 pm on Friday, October 27, 2023. I was so thankful I was there encouraging her, touching her, and praying over her that whole time. I am so grateful that her 24-year-old twin brothers met her while she was alive even though the COVID rules never relaxed enough to go back to having more visitors than two in the NICU.

Daniela’s siblings got to come to the hospital to hold her and say goodbye for the next 24 hours. In His faithfulness, God gave us a church family, who put together an incredible Celebration of Life for Daniela in less than a week! We never had so much unconditional love and support from church family and neighbors. That day, I got the only picture of me with all eight of my children, which I will cherish forever. I am so grateful, thankful, and blessed to have had 23 beautiful days to love on this sweetest little beautiful soul on this side of heaven. I would do it again a million times over.

Looking back, I can’t see anything but God’s faithfulness throughout all of Daniela’s journey. God has always put the right people in my path when I needed them the most. By His grace, I have had the joy of the Lord in the midst of my sorrow. His nearness is how I have gotten through these trials and tribulations. I am so grateful, thankful, and blessed to have had 23 beautiful days to love on this sweetest little beautiful soul on this side of heaven. I would do it again a million times over to have that time with her.

- Danielle Rodriguez

Hope Mom to Daniela Viviana

I am a 46 year old mother of eight children that I have birthed for the last 30 years. Jonathan 30, Vanessa 28, identical twins Andrew and Angel 24, Atticus 17, Azariah 8, Asael 4. I had my second baby girl naturally after 28 years that lived and went to heaven in October 2023. I have a 1 year old granddaughter from my oldest, Jonathan. I just graduated with a Masters in Public Administration. I am passionate about holistic health.


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