79 results for author: Support

Meghan’s Story

I grew up thinking if you worked hard, you could accomplish your dreams.  I was very much a planner, and for the most part, things went according to plan.  School, graduation, marriage, more school, job.  It all flowed so easily from one stage to the next.  So, when I didn’t get pregnant in those first 2 months, I was completely thrown.  When those months turned into years, I struggled with knowing who I was as a woman, with trusting God to provide, with patience as I waited while friend after friend conceived.  I often wondered what was wrong with me, what I had done, why God saw me as unfit.  Waiting was ...

Testimony Tuesday: Christy’s Testimony

I know suffering.  Most of the seasons in my adult life have been a season of suffering.  From the emotional and sexual abuse I experienced to my early miscarriage.  However, none of these forced me to truly dig deeper in my relationship with God than the death of my daughter, Chloe.  She was stillborn in May of 2016 and it shook me in a way that nothing else has.   I did something after my daughter’s death that I really hadn’t done after my other sufferings:  I pursued God.  Really pursued Him.  I wanted to feel His comfort, know I wasn’t being punished, be assured of my daughter’s presence in heaven, and understand the ...

Christmas Day Encouragement: “I Miss Your Baby”

"I miss your baby." Are you going to hear those words today? Will someone you are with acknowledge your baby? Is anyone going to speak any thoughts to you of him or her?   Is anyone going to say the name of your son or daughter? “I miss him so much,” or “I really miss her,” or “I wish we were together with your baby too,” or “Your son is a part of this family even though he cannot be in the family pictures, see the family traditions, and eat the family meals,” or “I know that your baby is in the best place of all in heaven—but, oh, it is our loss!” I hope that someone does.   ...

Christmas Eve Encouragement: “Please Don’t Try to Fix It”

The baby you greatly miss is not here. I know, I feel it too for mine. She was not here when we were hanging ornaments, and not here when wrapping last-minute presents in glowing Christmas light. They are not here with joy on their faces to receive gifts in celebration of the only Savior of this world. They are not here. And there is a felt void at every step through this time of year. We cannot fix it or change it. It is.   "Please don't try to fix it."   We resist when the words of others appear to be applying remedy for what they cannot fix—especially on big days like this, when feeling pain is part of it, but they cannot ...

Testimony Tuesday {Waiting in Hope}

I have lived two Christmases in the shadow of loss. First we lost our son during birth on his due date at the end of October. With two healthy toddlers I couldn’t just skip that holiday season. Then six years later with three growing boys at home we were surprised with another pregnancy and almost as quickly learned we would lose it. Our baby went to heaven during the end of September. My natural reaction would have been to hold my breath until the holiday season was over. What was there in joy and festivity for me? I was grieving—how could I hang lights, play music, or bake cookies? But each time there were little boys with expectant ...

Katie’s Story

It had been nearly a year since our early miscarriage and we yearned for a sibling here for our almost 3-year-old son. I had recently finished reading a book on prayer which inspired me to keep a prayer journal and be more intentional in seeking quiet time with the Lord. I began to recognize that my fervent desire (bordering on obsession) to expand our family had become an idol to me. A verse that I continued to meditate on during that time says, “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). These words sank deep as I began to understand that the Lord promises to place His desires in our heart, not ...

Tenille’s Story

My husband, Matt, and I are high school sweethearts. We've been together since I was 15 and he was 16. We dated four years, married a year after we graduated high school, put each other through college, and had a relatively easy first eight years of marriage. Since I was a little girl, all I ever wanted was to be a wife and mother. In the spring of 2003, we decided it was time to start our little family. On August 9 of that same year, we found out I was pregnant for the first time. We were elated and anxious to tell our families, as this would be the first grandchild on both sides. But, sadly, four days later, I miscarried. It was heartbreaking. ...

Testimony Tuesday {Hope in a Box}

Box Gatherings are an opportunity for anyone wanting to make a difference in their community by providing Hope Mommies™ Hospital Boxes to their local hospital. Are you praying about how to honor your baby this Christmas season in a way that can have eternal impact in the lives of those enduring the same pain you have endured? A Hope Box Gathering is a unique way to spend an evening with friends, write encouragement cards, decorate boxes, fill them with all the gifts and talk to your local hospitals about the ministry, and impact other moms' lives. Testimonies about Hope Box Gatherings:  "I love this organization because of how I've seen it ...

Katie’s Story

It was the first pregnancy test I had ever taken, and I was shocked to see two strong pink lines.  I sat on the bathroom floor in stunned silence in the wee hours of the morning, trying to comprehend the excitement and terror that accompanied that second pink line.  I remember crawling back in bed and telling me husband, Jonathan, and immediately bursting into tears, and seconds later giggling uncontrollably.  Needless to say, we were very excited and spent the rest of the day driving to our nearby family members' homes, telling them the exciting news in person. I had my first ultrasound early on, and was thrilled to see a healthy heartbeat.  ...