A Prayer for the One Who is Afraid

The death of a child goes against the natural rhythms of life. Parents should not outlive their children. There is just something so incomprehensible about the sight of a tiny coffin at a funeral, the stillborn body of an infant, or a silent, motionless ultrasound screen. In these moments, there is something inside all of us that screams, “This is not right! This is not how things are supposed to be!”

When my son’s heart stilled while his precious body was cradled within me, there wasn’t a category in my mind to process this unimaginable grief. I was now living a horrible reality, the possibility of which I had never conceived for myself. The future that I imagined for my family, for my baby, was shattered.

In the weeks that followed the initial shockwaves of my grief, I found myself succumb to all manner of fears. I was afraid that my husband and living children would die as suddenly as Simeon had. I was afraid thatI would get sick and be unable to care for my family. I was afraid that I could have done something, anything to prevent this loss. As fear gripped my heart, rational thinking eluded me. Simple, day-to-day tasks felt overwhelming, and the promises of God were overshadowed by doubt.

Fear fools us into forgetting or doubting the sovereignty and reality of God. When I choose to fear, I am calling into question the very character of God. Rather than rest in the confidence that God is capable, that He cares, that He knows and hears and sees me, I dismiss truth when I give way to fear.

Fear replaces trust. They cannot coexist. When I fear I am choosing not to acknowledge that God is in complete control. So I try to squeeze myself into His role and take over trying to manage everything myself. Deep down I know I don’t really want to be in control because I know how incredibly incapable I am. But I take the reigns anyway, because sometimes waiting for God’s timing and trusting in His plan just seems so hard.

Fear siphons our peace. There is not a single circumstance in my life that I can look back at and say, “I sure am glad I worried about that.” Instead, I remember those fear-filled days as times when peace felt the furthest away and my heart was in a constant state of tension and confusion. Peace cannot dwell in a heart that is consumed by fear.and worry.

So what can be done about fear? How can we drive it far from us?

“Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him!”
Psalm 33:8

The cure for fear is actually a transfer of fear. When my time and energy is spent in complete reverence before the power and supremacy of God, I will tremble at nothing else, because He is so far above and beyond all else. I need to remind myself daily that He is in control and submit myself to Him as I wait and trust in His perfect plan.

We are called to “not fear anything that is frightening” (1 Peter 3:6), because God rules over it all. Every storm obeys the voice of the One who made you and loves you. When God calls you to be free from the paralysis of fearing what is in the world, He also provides your heart with a divine and secure foundation upon which to rest instead.

Fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10

So when you are facing the unknown before you, will you choose to look to the One who is greater than all your fears? This trusting and waiting and submitting fills us with His presence, and in doing so we are brought into a place of greater peace. This perfect peace guards our hearts and minds against future temptation to worry. Oh, that we would turn our minds away from fear and onto the trustworthy One! Sweet sister, choose today to saturate yourself in the Word. Trust in the greatness of your Savior, because He is more than able, and He is greater than all your fears.

A Prayer For the One Who Is Afraid

Lord, you say in your Word that “there is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear” (1John 4:18). I pray that you will perfect your love in the heart of this brave momma. Let not fear rule over her. Plant your Word deep into her heart so that faith may take root and flourish. Deliver her from any fear that threatens to cripple or destroy her, and instead, let her grow in fear and awe of you alone. Strengthen her heart so that she may rise up with boldness and declare, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear” (Hebrews 13:6).

Thank you, Lord, for your promise to deliver her from all her fears. I pray that as she continues to draw near to you, you will penetrate her heart with the depths of your love for her. Guard her heart and mind. Lead her in the way everlasting. Draw her ever closer to the peace of your presence.

- Ashlee

Hope Mom to Simeon and Odelle

Ashlee is the Editorial Coordinator for Hope Mommies and author of their I AM, Identity, and Sojourn Bible studies. She and her husband, Jesse, live in Milwaukee with their children—five on earth and two in heaven.



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