Chapter Spotlight: Albuquerque Chapter
What’s happening in Albuquerque:
It has been such a blessing for our team to continue supporting moms and families here in our Albuquerque community, and our chapter of Hope Mommies had a wonderful year of growth, connection, and service in 2019! Throughout the year, we held monthly coffee nights in which moms in our area got to meet one another, share stories, and pray together. We hosted in-person Hope Groups for a summer mini-series, and we dove into the Identity study in the fall.

We also hosted Hope Box gatherings to help supply hospitals, give through churches, and respond to individual requests. In all, we provided more than 80 Hope Boxes to new Hope Moms in Albuquerque. We partnered with community organizations like the March of Dimes and participated in remembrance picnics with some of our local hospitals to spread awareness about Hope Mommies and the resources that our local chapter provides. We also planned and held a large event for Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. We continued our fundraising efforts with the creation of an online merchandise shop, and we were able to buy materials for Hope Boxes and provide scholarships for our moms to attend retreats and participate in Hope Groups.
As busy as 2019 was for us, we are looking forward to all that God has in store for our chapter in 2020! Right now, we have plans to continue all our efforts to provide fellowship and resources for our local Hope Moms. We are currently working on new plans to host a Mother’s Day tea for Hope Moms, grandmas, and aunts, and we are looking forward to holding a silent auction for our chapter to raise funds for this year’s needs.
As we move into 2020, we would so appreciate prayers for continued growth, awareness, and new connections for our chapter within this wonderful community!
“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever!” 2 Peter 3:18
- Jamie Speegle
Albuquerque Chapter President and Hope Mom to JettHope Mom Testimonies:
Hope Mommies of Albuquerque has been a God sent after the loss of my son at 21 weeks into pregnancy. It provided me with the support and community I needed from other women who have walked this road. Also, the Bible studies answered so many of the questions I had after losing my son, and my faith grew stronger through studying His word.
Hope Mom to Danny RyanEven though the hospital I delivered Aiden in had Hope Boxes, I unfortunately did not receive one before I left with empty arms and a broken heart. I was so lost and broken after Aiden’s death, and I knew there had to be something out there that could help pull me out of the deep pit of despair I had fallen in.
Somehow, I found Hope Mommies on Instagram which led me to their website and allowed me to contact the Albuquerque chapter president. When Jamie walked into my home, I fell apart. She was a stranger to me, minus a few emails, and I spilled the entirety of our story out to her—something I had only shared with one other friend. I cried so hard I wasn’t sure she even understood what I was saying, but she looked at me with such love and understanding and then hugged me and assured me I was not alone.
Getting myself to that first meet-up was hard. I was terrified, and I spent 30 minutes pumping myself up in the car before I stepped into the coffee shop. Once I was there, I knew Hope Mommies was for me. I am so thankful for the friends I have made and for the love and support I have received. These amazing women helped pull me out of the pit and reminded me that I truly have hope because of Jesus.
Hope Mom to Aiden Basheer and Baby T3Pray for Albuquerque:
- Pray for continued growth, awareness, and new connections for our chapter within this wonderful community!
- Pray that we would achieve the financial means to sustain our growth, so that we have the opportunity to come alongside these Hope Moms and serve them well.
- Pray that we will continue to be obedient to the call the Lord has placed on our lives as we reach others with the gospel.
Hope Mommies Chapters assist in our mission to share the Hope of Christ with bereaved mothers and families experiencing infant loss by serving their local communities through providing on-the-ground support in their geographical area.
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