2 results for month: 09/2014

Mama Bird Nest Necklace Giveaway

  There is something special about a piece of jewelry that represents your children. The Mama Bird Nest Necklace from Melody Joy Designs symbolizes the unconditional and nurturing love that a mama bird gives to her baby bird. Hope Moms are an especially strong type of mama bird, loving and honoring their babies even though they may not hold them in their arms. Thanks to Melody Joy, 2 Hope Mommies will be able to hold their precious Hope Babies near their heart with their very own custom Mama Bird Nest Necklace. You may enter to win below. The contest ends at 12am on Friday, October 3, 2014 and will be announces later that day. ...

Prayer Team

I am so excited to share with you the new way that the Prayer Team will be operating! Recently, the Leadership Team got together in a cozy lake house, somewhere in Texas to discuss the 2015 year. I begged God for direction, help, insight, & ideas for the Prayer Team & walked about with quite the resolution! So, here is how the "new" Prayer Team will work: 1.) You read & agree to our doctrinal statement HERE 2.) You will be added to our private Facebook group called "Hope Mommies Prayer Team". From there… 3.) Information about new Hope Moms will be posted as they request prayer. -This information may include their ...