The Gift of Chance

As we consider the profound impact that our Hope Babies have had on our lives, we can be filled with gratitude toward them, and toward the Lord. In this series, we reflect on some of the ways that we can say “thank you” to our precious babe(s) for the gifts that they have been and continue to be to us. We welcome you to contribute to this series by writing your own reflection on the impact your baby(ies) has had on your life and submitting it HERE.

Dear Chance,

Words cannot express how deeply you have touched my life. Your short life in my womb did not come with little impact. You lived for twenty weeks and three days, yet your legacy lives on in more ways than I can count. For this I am so filled with gratitude. Here are just four of the gifts that your life continues to give me, Chance.

You point me to Jesus

When I think of you, which is everyday, I think of Jesus and the ultimate goal of joining you, and our Lord, in heaven. This keeps my heart heaven-pointed daily, with a constant heart and mind refocused on what really matters in life, and keeps my priorities in check. You point me to Jesus, Chance. You help my heart stay centered on the cross and the joy of my salvation. What a blessing! When I think of you, I am reminded of the only thing I actually need: Jesus. You keep my eyes pointed upward instead of side-to-side. You simplified life by a continual pointing to my Savior.

You give me creditability with a hurting world

Chance, your story gives me credibility with a hurting world. Your life and death open the door for connection with souls experiencing heartache. People hear my story of how I loved you, carried you, birthed you, and buried you, and are able to see how Jesus continues to strengthen me even in deep sadness. These souls are given strength to press on in faith as they walk their own valleys of loss. Your life has given me an opportunity to speak light into another’s darkness. I have lost my only son, but I have not lost hope. This speaks volumes to those struggling in their grief. God blessed me with you, Chance, so that by grace alone, I can continue to bless others. I comfort with the comfort I have been given. What a gift this has been, my son.

You remind me of my blessings

Burying you, Chance, immediately opened my eyes to all the blessings in my life—all the little things I might easily take for granted. I became more cognizant of all the good, all the gifts. Now, when I think of these little blessings—things such as a simple sunrise, a warm cup of coffee, the laughter of your sisters, the roof over my head, the food on my table at the end of a long day, work that ignites passion, and a reliable vehicle—my mind turns to praise. So, because of you, Chance, I praise my God more easily and more often. You remind me that there is so much good, so much to be thankful for on any given day. Your life opened the door for more frequent pause and praise. What a gift!

You renewed my trust in God’s faithfulness

When I lost you, Chance, I was heartbroken, grief-stricken, and overwhelmed with sadness. Yet, I was not overcome because Jesus overcame death when He gave His life on the cross. Getting through my grief with God’s help allows me to more easily trust that when the next hurdle, loss, or challenge comes, God will prove faithful yet again. He has not forsaken me, and He will not forsake me in the future. Walking through my grief, and coming out the other side more alive and joyful, will always be a gift. I know more challenges will come. But, I know I will not be overcome by despair, regardless of what God allows me to walk through, because I am able to remember how He walked with me, hand-in-hand, as I said hello and goodbye to you.

Precious Chance, thank you for changing my life. Thank you for the gifts you gave me and will continue to give me for a lifetime. I love you more than you know and cannot wait for our heavenly reunion.



- Brittnie

Hope Mom to Baby A and Chance Michael

Brittnie lives in Sugar Land, Texas and enjoys writing on her blog and other outlets, baking, lingering coffee dates, and soaking in moments with her family. She is a wife to Brandon and a mom to Clara, Camille, and Hope Mom to Baby A (Clara’s twin) and Chance. Psalm 62:1-2 is her go to verse when she needs quick encouragement. She is author of Desert Song, and you can visit with Brittnie at her personal blog, A Joy Renewed, where she shares her faith and family, and encourages her readers to claim joy despite circumstance.

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