12 results for tag: Thanksgiving

Testimony Tuesday {Become Thankful with a Grieving Heart}

All of the pumpkin spice lattes in the world couldn't warm me that first November. It wasn't just the air that was cold, it was my heart. When my son went Home just two months earlier it was as if a part of me had died with him. And there I was, surrounded by family and what seemed like hundreds of platters of food, and fear instilled in me as we gathered around the table. Before dinner, it was customary to say grace followed by each member of the family saying one thing they were thankful for.  But this year—this year, I was struggling under the weight of my grief to find any reason to be thankful. I knew logically that there was plenty to be ...

Thanksgiving 2013

by Kellye Tilford So, here it is. New Year to do lists came and went. Spring break happened. Graduates walked across the stage. Summer, in her fashion, went way too quickly. School began. Tree tops phased through the most delightful of Fall colors. And, here we are. Thanksgiving. We all know when Thanksgiving comes, so does Christmas decor in the local shops! After eating some pumpkin pie, we ostensibly wake up to Christmas morning; and somehow, 2013 is over & 2014 makes its grand appearance. Somewhere in these months is the glorious day you discovered that God had granted you the gift of growing a baby! A due-date circled, highlig...