5 results for tag: El Roi

The God Who Sees Mary

Over the next several weeks we are going to look at how God acts as El Roi, The God Who Sees, through four different biblical mommas who experienced grief and sorrow. We will look at the lives of Hagar, Hannah, Naomi and Mary and see for ourselves how God was faithful to meet them in their pain and sorrow. As we study the testimonies of these four Biblical women, our prayer is that you would know in the depths of your heart that you are seen and heard, that you would feel loved and known. As I began to prepare this study, I was struck by the extreme highs and lows Mary must have experienced along her motherhood journey.  Luke 2 says ...

The God Who Sees Naomi

Over the next several weeks we are going to look at how God acts as El Roi, The God Who Sees, through four different biblical mommas who experienced grief and sorrow. We will look at the lives of Hagar, Hannah, Naomi and Mary and see for ourselves how God was faithful to meet them in their pain and sorrow. As we study the testimonies of these four Biblical women, our prayer is that you would know in the depths of your heart that you are seen and heard, that you would feel loved and known. Naomi’s grief journey is intense. A famine in Bethlehem sends her and her family to Moab in search of food. After their move, Naomi’s husband ...

The God Who Sees Hannah

Over the next several weeks we are going to look at how God acts as El Roi, The God Who Sees, through four different biblical mommas who experienced grief and sorrow. We will look at the lives of Hagar, Hannah, Naomi and Mary and see for ourselves how God was faithful to meet them in their pain and sorrow. As we study the testimonies of these four Biblical women, our prayer is that you would know in the depths of your heart that you are seen and heard, that you would feel loved and known. Hannah is a momma that my heart resonates with. While the cultural specifics of her story are a bit different, I empathize with many of the emotions ...

The God Who Sees Hagar

Over the next several weeks we are going to look at how God acts as El Roi, The God Who Sees, through four different biblical mommas who experienced grief and sorrow. We will look at the lives of Hagar, Hannah, Naomi and Mary and see for ourselves how God was faithful to meet them in their pain and sorrow. As we study the testimonies of these four Biblical women, our prayer is that you would know in the depths of your heart that you are seen and heard, that you would feel loved and known. The first time I fully understood the significance of Hagar’s story, I was in awe. Genesis 16 shares the testimony of a lowly, Egyptian slave girl ...

El Roi: The God Who Sees

Over the next several weeks we are going to look at how God acts as El Roi, The God Who Sees, through four different biblical mommas who experienced grief and sorrow. We will look at the lives of Hagar, Hannah, Naomi and Mary and see for ourselves how God was faithful to meet them in their pain and sorrow. As we study the testimonies of these four Biblical women, our prayer is that you would know in the depths of your heart that you are seen and heard, that you would feel loved and known. Dear Momma, I’ve never met you, and yet I feel like we’re kindred spirits. I’ve been praying for your grieving heart, that God would give me the ...