13 results for tag: Easter

One Unique Death Proclaimed

The kind people at my home church would have been able to tell you that I cried through nearly every service—that is, every service I had the physical strength to last through—for weeks after our daughter went to glory. A HOME THROUGH SONG At the mention of heaven, the sound of “weary” or “grief” amplified by the church’s speakers, or the proclamation of Christ’s triumph over death: tears. I sobbed listening to this stanza¹: When we arrive at eternity’s shore Where death is just a memory and tears are no more We’ll enter in as the wedding bells ring Your bride will come together and we’ll sing You’re ...

The Hope of the Resurrection

"One day, there will be a great reversal of everything we're doing right now." Pastor Chris said those words at Gwendolyn's graveside service, and it's honestly all that I can remember from his eulogy. It's all that I think of when I go by her grave, and whisper over her body - "One day, Gwenny! One day this will all be undone." I love Easter. I love it more fully now because it is one day in our calendar year that the majority of our nation sets aside, whether they know it or not, to give glory to Christ's resurrection. Now I know that you can argue with me that Easter has pagan roots, or is now so commercialized that everyone just sees ...

Death is Swallowed Up in Victory

Death has shaken your soul to its core. Mine too. When I first heard the words, “I’m sorry, there’s no heartbeat,” it seemed like my life was being siphoned out of me. I strained to take in each new breath of air, and as I looked up at the monitor, staring at the stillness of my baby, I felt as though I was watching someone else’s nightmare unfold before my eyes.  In that moment, death seemed to consume me. The death of your child is an excruciating heartache that alters the course of your life.  There may be times when it seems as though you are being crushed and overcome by the weight of death. Perhaps you feel as if you will never ...