Streams of Living Water

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Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. Over the next several weeks, we will be studying Revelation 21 together, which gives us a beautiful picture of the eternity that awaits those who are in Christ . In this series, we seek to lift the grieving mother’s eyes up towards heaven and the imperishable inheritance that is hers and her precious baby’s in Christ.

“And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring
of the water of life without payment.”
Revelation 21:6


The topic of eternity generates a variety of perceptions, from clouds and angels, to utopia or complete unawareness. How does knowing an accurate depiction of God’s eternal plan for us not only change our forward thinking about heaven, but also renew our longing to experience it? Despite what we’ve conjured up in our minds about what heaven is like, Revelation 21 describes eternity as a “new heaven and new earth” —emphasis on the new. Ultimately, in heaven, newness and redemption will finally reign the way God intended from the beginning, a far cry from the human mind’s simple conclusion of this seemingly far off place. 

In eternity, we will experience complete freedom from Satan, sin, and death, no longer weeping tears of pain and grief (Revelation 20:10, 22:4). Yes, these attributes of heaven are profound, but perhaps the most overwhelming aspect of eternity is simply the continuation of our life, our eternal life, a gift we gain at the moment of belief in Jesus here on earth (John 3:16; 5:24). What is even more satisfying is that this aspect of heaven is not one in which we have to wait for with anticipation as it is already in our possession.

Referring to our eternity, Jesus said He gives freely to those who thirst for “the fountain of the water of life” (Revelation 21:6b). Similarly, in his gospel, John recorded Jesus’ interaction with the woman at the well where He said to her, “Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. The water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:13-14). Jesus also said, “He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst” (John 6:35). Therefore, we can know that heaven is a place where we shall never again thirst for new life, contentment, peace, or freedom. 

Imagine what eternity, as described in Revelation 21, will be like for a moment. Now, consider what Jesus has revealed to us in John’s gospel. He has reassured us that while we still thirst for final freedom from pain, we no longer need to thirst for the gift of eternal life itself. It has already been given.

Having children who have already left earth for the other side of eternity, ignites in us a new perspective—one in which their absence has taught us not to take comfort in this temporary life. When we long for Jesus and that precious reunion with our babies, we are ultimately longing for this new heaven and earth that awaits us. Never thirsting again means our life is everlasting. It means the death of our babies was not the end of their life either. What a gift amidst the sorrow that the Lord provides, leading us into a greater longing for eternity with Him in heaven. And, through Christ, He has given us this gift for free!

  • Read Revelation 21:6. Note what God declares about Himself in this verse. How do these attributes contribute to His ability to “give freely” the water which wells up to eternal life?
  • Read Psalm 23:1-3 and Psalm 107:28-30. How has the Lord led you to still waters during the waves of your grief?

Read Isaiah 12:1-3. Use this as a prompt to praise the Lord for His “wells of salvation.” Praise Him for eternal salvation and for the ways He has rescued you here on earth in the midst of grief and loss.

- Kayla

Hope Mom to Anna Joy

Kayla is married to Justin in sunny south Florida where they enjoy life together with friends & family. Kayla is a teacher at heart, nurse by profession, & lover of truth! She serves as a volunteer nurse at her local Care-Net & enjoys women’s ministry discipleship especially in the areas of grief, marriage, & infertility. You can follow more of her musings on grief here.

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