Rest in the Lord

Paul reminds us in his letter to the church in Thessalonica that we do “not grieve as others do who have no hope” (1 Thess. 4:13). But what exactly does that mean? In this series, we explore what it looks like to honor God in our grief and examine the ways we can choose to grieve with hope.

The word “rest” for grieving moms can be such a hard one to hear. If you are deep in trenches of sorrow, rest can seem unattainable. You lay down to rest, but you can’t shut down your brain, and you find yourself spinning the reels of every moment with your precious little one. The nights last forever, and you might wonder if you will ever sleep again.

Rest was illusive to me in the months following the death of my son. I was beyond exhausted physically and emotionally, but I began to realize that the only times I truly felt at rest was when I was with God. You might be asking yourself what resting in Him looks like when your heart and soul are restless with grief. I hope, that in the paragraphs that follow, God will use these words to flesh out what resting in Him looks like and provide you with some practical ways to seek out His presence every moment of every day.  

Rest in His Presence

In the craziness of life, finding time to devote to quiet meditation is hard. One of the sweetest gifts that came from my time of deep grief was the time I spent alone with God. There was an incredible intimacy in those moments that I was able to steal away from the demands of caring for my small children. Search for ways you can sit in deep communion with God. Find a quiet space that you can truly reflect on God and His character.

For me, I always feel closest to Him when I am in nature. When I can surround myself with His creation, my heart feels fully at peace. Maybe for you, stillness can be found in a reading corner, a coffee shop, or in your closet. Use this quiet time to pray and lay your heart before God. If you find some days that you just don’t have the words, consider reading and journaling your way through Psalms or Lamentations. Write down any verses that speak specifically to your heart and the emotions and thoughts they stir in you. As you rest in His presence, make sure you reserve time to just listen; wait expectantly for Him to speak into your heart.

Rest in His Faithfulness

Sometimes in our darkest moments, when we are emotionally and physically exhausted, it is hard to see any good. You can become blinded to all God’s provision and goodness, and that’s exactly where Satan wants you. He wants your focus to remain on the pain and confusion. It’s always good to look back. In fact, the Bible tells us to do just that so we may not forget of His good deeds, and so the next generations will know that He is God (Joshua 4:22-24). In your grief, it’s especially important to remind yourself of how God has shown His faithfulness in the past.

If you don’t keep a prayer or gratitude journal, consider starting one now. Note specific events where you could trace the hand of God, or record specific prayers and how He answered them. I occasionally look back at my writing and journal entries from the last few years. I love recounting the ways God has shown me such undeserved favor and love. I hope that one day my children and their children can read my words and rejoice over God’s faithfulness. 

Write down anything (even seemingly small moments and objects) that you are grateful for. Maybe it’s a beautiful sunrise, a kind word from a friend, or the smell of the changing of seasons. Creating a gratitude list not only turns your focus away from the depths of your sorrow, but it is a deep form of worship. When you can lift your hands in a posture of gratefulness in the midst of heartbreak, it is a sweet, fragrant offering to the Lord. 

Rest in His Promises

When your world feels like it has crumbled, the future can be terrifying to think about. However, as you begin to reflect deeply on God’s faithfulness, you will begin to trust Him more and more. The Lord has promised an abundance to His children. If you find that you can’t recall God’s promises in the middle of your sorrow, consider reading through Psalms. They are rich with suffering, praise, and promises. As you read through these God-inspired poems and songs, you will find promises that He hears your prayers. The third Psalm is one example of David praising God for His faithfulness in hearing and answering his prayers/

“But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. I cried aloud to the LORD, and He answered me from His holy hill.”
Psalm 3:3-4

Isn’t it comforting to know that He inclines His ear to us?

You will also find so many verses in which He promises to never leave you or forsake you. Psalm 94:14 states, “For the LORD will not forsake His people; He will not abandon His heritage.” He continually promises to uphold His children and rescue them from trouble. These are such comforting reminders of what you have in Him, especially when you are feeling isolated and broken in your grief. 

Each day can be a struggle; you may feel like you are simply surviving. It’s hard to see the future in such deep grief, but you can rest in His promise to lift you up from your troubles (Psalm 34:6-7), and redeem your story as He turns your “mourning into dancing” (Psalm 30:11). 

Sweet sister, my prayer for you is that you are able to find peace for your weary soul. I pray that you will find a place to be still with the Savior. Rest, and let Him tend to your wounded heart as only He can. As you grieve with hope, you too, can find true rest in Him.

- Megan

Hope Mom to Thatcher and Four Precious Babies

Megan Kelley is married to Jake and the mother to seven babies. Her first child she lost to miscarriage in September of 2009. She then had two children, Hunter (7) and Preston (5). After Preston, she lost her next two to miscarriage in March and August of 2014. A month later, she found out she was pregnant with her son, Thatcher, who was diagnosed with Edwards Syndrome. He went to his heavenly home shortly after he was born on April 17, 2015. She was blessed with her latest addition, Abigail Quinn in July of 2017. She loves painting, gardening, cooking, reading, and playing with her kids at the park.

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