Prince of Peace

Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. Over the next several weeks, we will be studying Isaiah 9 together. In this passage, Isaiah gives us insight into the incredible hope that was given through the birth of Christ. Join us as we discover how the grieving mother can find comfort, especially in the holiday season, in the following descriptions of Christ.

Prince of Peace
“And He will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of His government and peace
there will be no end.”” Isaiah 9:6-7
The Christmas season is my most favorite time of year. The lights. The sounds. The cheer in the air. The cool breeze. Hot cocoa by a cozy fire. Yet, when one has walked the road of pregnancy or infant loss, the holiday season, while still exciting, has a way of also triggering pain and heartache, and resurfacing grief in a fresh way.
If there is any promise of hope in Scripture that serves as a balm to my soul during a season of mixed-emotions, it is the hope of everlasting peace. Jesus, when born all those years ago, offered immediate hope and the promise to be our Prince of Peace, our light in the darkness. Even in pain. Even in death. Even when tears cloud a season that are typically filled with laughter and smiles. Jesus ushered in to give a peace that passes understanding, a peace that outweighs our earthly circumstances. Isaiah 9:6-7 says,
“For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace
there will be no end.”
There will be no end, no limit, to His peace, sweet sisters. What hope! That is a promise we can hold onto this Christmas season. His peace is always greater than our pain. Our sorrow is for a moment, His peace is for life everlasting.
- Where else in Scripture do you see Jesus showing up as someone’s peace in the midst of pain?
- How does the Scripture above renew your confidence in Christ’s ability to shower you with peace while you grieve?
Take time to journal and record instances in years past of God showing up as your peace. These instances can be anything, big or small. Remind yourself of His ever-present faithfulness to be your peace, regardless of your circumstances. Then, after some time of reflection, write a love letter of thankfulness to your Father for all the ways He has shown Himself to be your Prince of Peace.
- Brittnie
Hope Mom to Baby A and Chance Michael
Brittnie lives in Sugar Land, Texas and enjoys writing on her blog and other outlets, baking, lingering coffee dates, and soaking in moments with her family. She is a wife to Brandon and a mom to Clara, Camille, and Hope Mom to Baby A (Clara’s twin) and Chance. Psalm 62:1-2 is her go to verse when she needs quick encouragement. She is author of Desert Song, and you can visit with Brittnie at her personal blog, A Joy Renewed, where she shares her faith and family, and encourages her readers to claim joy despite circumstance.
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