
Hi there! I am a stay at home wife to my husband of 6 years, Joe, and mama to two kiddos; Sophia 3 1/2 (on Earth) and Naomi 1 1/2 (in Heaven). I was blessed to have learned about Hope Mommies while in the hospital after delivering my Naomi. We had gone into the hospital full term, in labor, expecting joyfully to bring home our second miracle, and instead were devastated when we found out she had gone to be with Jesus due to a cord accident. Friends at church had been apart of HM and delivered lots of hugs and support and even brought me a hope box that weekend.

I am definitely not shy, love to talk and be with friends and family, laugh a lot (something that God is restoring), play games, create art and make good food almost as much as I like to eat it.

What am I excited most about for Hope Groups? I can’t wait to hear about YOUR baby, connect, cry and even laugh with YOU all while growing deeper to Jesus.