
Leading I AM Study at an in-person group in College Station, TX.

Sunday nights from 7-9. Childcare is not provided.


Howdy! My name is Becca Keefauver. My husband Jeff and I have been married for 4 year and we have 3 beautiful daughters. Abigail is 3 years old and full of joy, laughter, and energy. Claire is our sweet hope baby who turned two this past October, and we just welcomed our rainbow baby Charlotte in December.

I attended Texas A&M(whoop!) where I graduated with an Early Childhood Education degree. My husband and I live in Bryan, TX.  I get to be a full time momma and work part time as the administrative secretary for my church, Living Hope Bryan.

I learned about Hope Mommies in 2014 through a fellow hope mom in town. I joined the Facebook groups and quickly learned this was just what I had been praying for. I had been seeking a community where people “get it.” I needed women that I could be real with about my feelings and emotions and not feel like the odd ball. I had the privilege of attending my first retreat in 2015, and I am so thankful I did. The retreat brought so much healing to my hurt and broken heart, and I was so thankful to connect with other hope moms as well as journey through life with them. It was exactly what my heart had been longing for since losing Claire. I have friendships that will last a lifetime from the retreats. We understand this deep hurt and grief. We miss our babies and want nothing more than to hold them, love them and raise them. We are bonded together as sisters in Christ and as hope moms, and we can walk through this life together. We are not alone in this. What a relief!

Early after losing Claire, I thought there was no way I would be able to love and encourage other women through this same hurt. Why would anyone want to see this pain over and over again? That was my thought. But God has a different plan. Over the past year He has grown within me a desire to love on, encourage, and walk with other moms who have lost their babies. I so look forward to getting to know you hope mommies, to dig into God’s word together, to be there for each other, to encourage each other, to be real with, to laugh and cry with each other, and to build lasting bonds. My prayer for this year is Romans 15:13 “may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” I want to abound in or overflow with hope, and I am praying that for you as well.