Lift Up Your Eyes

“Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near of which you will say, ‘I have no pleasure in them.'” Ecclesiastes 12:1
The Preacher of Ecclesiastes reminds us of the trials that come with increased age (Ecclesiastes 12:2-7). But you and I also know the trials that can come with young adulthood, and even to the youngest lives. Ecclesiastes discusses that the elderly will ultimately go to “his eternal home, and the mourners go about in the streets” (Ecclesiastes 12:5). We know that the very young can also go to their eternal homes, leaving us to mourn. Because of our experiences with loss, the key theme of the Preacher is readily accessible to us. Youth can expect great things of this life, putting pressure on this earthly life that it must be our paradise. But the Preacher speaks what we know—this life cannot withstand these expectations.
Instead, disappointed, devastated, grieving lost hopes and missing a person or people from our lives, Ecclesiastes teaches us to pivot our expectations. The ideals of our youth do not necessarily breed realities. Being abruptly awakened to this disappointment, we can find immense solace in the Preacher’s venting acknowledgement of the nature of this life: “Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher; all is vanity” (Ecclesiastes 12:8). Who has not felt this sentiment sweep through the hollow passages of the soul?
Yet, what is not in vain? “Fear God and obey His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13b). We can find that being faithful to the Lord is our holy truth to carry amidst disappointment and loneliness—purpose in all the vain. We are not our own, but God’s, and being such inherently gives us the high, fulfilling, and joyful calling of serving Him instead of ourselves, our dreams, or our ideals.
The Preacher states that fearing and obeying God is our duty—this word “duty” itself can be a comfort. For, adherence to simple duty might be what prompts godly faithfulness in disappointments, when we might merely be able to grasp at feelings of intermittent joy. Our realization of duty raises our sights to the Creator to whom our lives are accountable (Ecclesiastes 12:14), mercifully shaking us from endless self-pity, wallowing, aimlessness, or idleness.
Praise God that in all of the real vanities of this life, we can see beyond them—beyond ourselves—through His good Word! Yes, we may even be continually disappointed by this life, but we will not possibly be disappointed that we served God—starting now in the days of our youth.
- In what ways can you relate with the aged about the troubles and trials of this life?
- Have you expected this life to unfold according to any youthful ideals? If so, describe.
- How have you made the pivot from living for your expectations of this life to living for your Creator’s honor and praise in all of the vanities of this life? What steps do you need to take towards this end?
In what ways do you resonate with the statement of the Preacher that all is vanity? Write a prayer to God about how you have felt disappointed by this life and how you have found joy and purpose in keeping your eyes fixed on the Lord in the midst of life’s disappointments and sorrows.
- Lianna
Hope Mom to Noelle
Lianna (@liannadavis) is wed to Tyler and mom of two dear daughters. She is author of Made for a Different Land: Eternal Hope for Baby Loss (Hope Mommies, 2019). More of her writing can be found at her website.
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