Hope for the Holidays {Hope in the Silence}
I pulled out Clara's baby book last week to add her recent school picture.
As I was doing so, Camille walked over and wanted to join in and "help."
Camille: Oh, Mama it's baby Camille!
Me: No, sweetie, this is baby Clara.
Camille: Oh, OKAY. She so cute! Show me more pictures?
Me: Sure, we can look at more pictures, let's start from the beginning.
Camille crawled in my lap and we looked through Clara's book, page by page. She pointed out every detail and made sure I looked at every single element of every single photo. When we got to page 34, Camille looks up with ...
Hope for the Holidays {Give Hope}
As the holidays approach and we begin to unpack and display all the subtle reminders of our sweet precious babies that arent with us, we can easily sink into sadness. This time of year is full of reminders and moments that make us stop and wonder what life would look like with our precious little ones. But, amidst all the heartache, we can have hope; a hope in a future because of our salvation through Jesus Christ. Our hope does not rest in things of this world, but in our eternal inheritance in heaven.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! ...
Testimony Tuesday {Hope in a Box}
Box Gatherings are an opportunity for anyone wanting to make a difference in their community by providing Hope Mommies™ Hospital Boxes to their local hospital.
Are you praying about how to honor your baby this Christmas season in a way that can have eternal impact in the lives of those enduring the same pain you have endured? A Hope Box Gathering is a unique way to spend an evening with friends, write encouragement cards, decorate boxes, fill them with all the gifts and talk to your local hospitals about the ministry, and impact other moms' lives.
Testimonies ...
Hope for the Holidays {Rejoice in Hope}
“Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: rejoice!”
-Philippians 4:4
As the Christmas season draws near, the last thing you may feel like doing this year is rejoicing. It may seem there is little reason for joy this year. If your loss is new, it is possible you pictured celebrating your Christmas very differently than you now will. Last Christmas was that way for me. We had expected sharing our Christmas with a six-month-old boy and all the fun that comes with watching a baby at Christmas. Instead, the holidays seemed like a huge reminder of the ...
Hope for the Holidays {Why We Give Thanks}
Dear ones, there are so many sorrows in this world — so much heartache, so much pain, so many questions. We who have said goodbye to a beloved child have known great pain.
But in this season of Thanksgiving, we are reminded often about what God’s Word says about being thankful.
“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
-1 Thessalonians 5:18
“Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,”
-Ephesians 5:20
“Praise the Lord!
Oh give thanks to the Lord, for ...
Testimony Tuesday {Become Thankful with a Grieving Heart}
All of the pumpkin spice lattes in the world couldn't warm me that first November. It wasn't just the air that was cold, it was my heart. When my son went Home just two months earlier it was as if a part of me had died with him. And there I was, surrounded by family and what seemed like hundreds of platters of food, and fear instilled in me as we gathered around the table.
Before dinner, it was customary to say grace followed by each member of the family saying one thing they were thankful for. But this year—this year, I was struggling under the weight of my grief ...