Joy is Possible

I sat down at the kitchen counter with my Bible and prayed “Lord, show me the verse. Your word is so rich, so full of truth, that I don’t even know where to begin. Lead me to the verse that will be etched on my son’s gravestone. The verse that will point me to you, that will become our family’s theme, so to speak.”
And as I flipped through my Bible, eyes scanning, I stopped at Psalm 16:11.
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand there are pleasures forevermore.
Psalm 16:11 (NIV)

Tears dripped from my eyes as I read it again and broke it down, bit by bit.
God has written my story.
Full joy is possible.
God blesses with pleasures, even in the hurt.
Yes, Jesus. All of that. I want all of that. My heart aches for my son, but I am choosing to trust you, in this moment, in this longing, in my deepest grief, because in You I have all I ever need. 

Chance is walking the streets of heaven with full joy, not partial joy or temporary joy, but full joy. He lacks no good thing. Hand in hand with Christ, my son has every need met and every desire fulfilled. Chance is completely and fully living out his God-given purpose, to find joy in the Father and to glorify Him. What a comfort this brings to my mama heart! My son is living in perfect union with his creator! What a blessing. What a gift.
I love the image of light radiating from one’s face as a result from walking life’s path with the Father. What a powerful picture. Goodness, how I hope the world sees this light in me. While I indeed need time to grieve and will never “get over” my loss, I am ultimately responsible for shining Christ to others. I grieve, but I press on in hope because Jesus and His gift at the cross makes my joy complete. I find comfort in knowing that Chance is experiencing life’s greatest joy, eternity with Jesus. This truth, this promise of heaven, also increases my hope and renews my joy. My salvation is secured. The prize has already been given. His nail scarred hands are the proof that I have been given the one and only gift I will ever, truly need. I can rejoice in this truth, friends.
This knowledge, that my son is alive and joy-filled and living out His God ordained purpose, keeps me moving and keeps me trusting that God’s plans, while painful for a time, truly are working for my best.
Full joy is attainable, dear sisters. We can shine His light. Even without our babies. Even in the crazy, emotional roller coaster that is the day in and day out of life post loss. Even in death can we experience abundant life. The cross promises that it possible.
Thank you, Jesus, for writing our stories. Thank you for walking with us, one step at a time. Thank you for the promise of heaven. In you our joy is made complete. In you we have been gifted all we will ever need. For this we praise you, Father. When others look at our face may they see radiant light, light that only comes from walking our path with you and receiving your pleasures forevermore.

- Brittnie

Hope Mom to Baby A and Chance Michael

Brittnie lives in Sugar Land, Texas and enjoys writing on her blog and other outlets, baking, lingering coffee dates, and soaking in moments with her family. She is a wife to Brandon and a mom to Clara, Camille, and Hope Mom to Baby A (Clara’s twin) and Chance. Psalm 62:1-2 is her go to verse when she needs quick encouragement. She is author of Desert Song, and you can visit with Brittnie at her personal blog, A Joy Renewed, where she shares her faith and family, and encourages her readers to claim joy despite circumstance.

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