Is God Still Good?

Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. Over the next several weeks, we will be studying the book of Habakkuk together. In this book, we gain insight into how God is at work on our behalf even when we can’t always see it. Join us in the weeks ahead as we discover the God who is who carefully and lovingly crafted you, and lovingly created the gift of your child for which you now long. He has not carried you thus far simply to leave you on your own, but will be your Guide and your Strength. 

Is God Still Good?

“You who are of purer eyes than to see evil
    and cannot look at wrong,
why do you idly look at traitors
    and remain silent when the wicked swallows up
    the man more righteous than he?”

Habaukkuk 1:13


Habakkuk 1:12 – 2:1.

Habakkuk’s first complaint recorded was questioning whether or not God cared and would listen to his prayers and answer. God’s reply to his question regarding the violence and tragedy was to work through the invading nation, the Chaldeans. 

Habakkuk’s response is verse 13 is not unexpected. Can you hear the shock and incredulity in his question?  How can God’s answer be to allow an evil, invading nation come and wreak more havoc? How can God be at work in such people, even allowing more death and tragedy to occur, and still be holy and righteous? How can a good God work through evil? 

Habakkuk is confused, angry, and restless for relief. He wants God to work in a way that he can understand, a way that he sees as right and just — but his circumstances and God’s answer seem anything but. 

  • How do you relate to Habakkuk?
  • What feelings have you experienced as you think about God’s purity and goodness in light of your loss? 

- Erin

Hope Mom to Gwendolyn and Baby Cush

Erin Cushman is the founder of Hope Mommies. She is married to Blair and has four children: Gwendolyn, who has been with Jesus since October 20, 2010, Malacai, who is three, Gemma, born in June 2015, and Baby Cush. She loves photography, gardening, cooking, reading, playing with her children, and especially loves when all those things combine.

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