In the Word: To Know What is Right

Welcome to Hope Mommies In the Word devotionals. Over the next few weeks, we will be meditating on Psalm 19 together. As we study these truths together, we’d love you to use the comments as a place to dialogue with us about what you are learning and share your answers to the questions below. We pray that you hearts will be encouraged as you dig into God’s Word each week with us! 

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
What more can He say than to you He hath said,
You, who unto Jesus for refuge have fled?”

– John Rippon, 1787

“the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart”
Psalm 19:8a


Do you feel like everyone is speak the wrong things to you right now? As if nothing others say is right, and it feels crushing? The Bible, on the other hand, is always right; even amidst grief, it is right and good.

The Bible was right amidst my grief when it taught me that the glories of the next world outweigh what I had experienced in this world (Romans 8:18). It showed me that Jesus had compassion and was troubled, even angered, in spirit toward death as those dear to Him grieved Lazarus (John 13:21). It told me that God does work together my sorrows for His glory—and that He is my good (Romans 8:28). It said that from the imperishable seed of death, for those who are in Christ, comes life eternal (1 Corinthians 15:54).

It told me that Christ’s resurrection means death no longer has power—and He will make death die at His appointed time (Romans 6:9; Revelation 20:14). It promised me a future without tears (Revelation 21:4). It reminded me that I am simply blessed to be a part of His story for this world (Colossians 3:17; Romans 11:36; Colossians 1:16). It told me that God does not owe me any particular grace or gift for my life or my family, much less my own salvation, because all grace is undeserved (Romans 11:35; Romans 3:24; Acts 15:11)—I have much reason for gratitude. It told me that I have been bought with a price and am not my own, but belong to a great God whose goodness lasts and lasts (1 Corinthians 6:20; Psalm 136:1).

Each building block the Word has placed in my life is a source of tremendous, growing joy (Jeremiah 15:16). My hearts was built for what is right, and it is lost and confused when I don’t base my life on the Word of God and when those who speak into my life are not guided by it either. Being without an influx of the truth plus being in the depths of grief can lead to a great amount of darkness and despair that God does not want for any one of us (Matthew 9:36). So, He gave us His Word—to know what is right and to find the joy that comes from the truth.


  1. What truths of Scripture have strengthened your heart in the midst of the grief?
  2. What steps do you need to take to fortify your heart with the truth of God’s Word?

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