In the Word: Reviving My Soul

Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. Over the next several weeks, we will be studying Psalm 19:7-11 together.The grieving heart will often grasp at anything that seems to offer even the smallest glimmer of comfort. But every attempt to be comforted apart from God and His Word will only end in greater disappointment. In this series, we will be examining the richness of the Word, and discover how we, as Hope Moms, can find true and lasting comfort in Scripture. 


“The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul.”
Psalm 19:7

“You who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again;
From the depths of the earth You will bring me up again.”
Psalm 71:20


Dear heart, does your soul need reviving? Do you find yourself in the midst of “many troubles and calamities” (Ps. 71:20)? Do you wonder if there is any relief from your heartbreak, any strength or energy to be found in the depths of sorrow? Do you question if there will ever be joy and gladness again in life after the loss of your precious child?

In deep grief, it is so tempting to turn to things that promise escape from the pain. But Psalm 19:7 tells us of the only place that is adequate to meet us in our pain and bring us up from the depths of sorrow. In this Psalm of David, we read how creation marvelously showcases God’s existence, and how powerful the Word of God is as a guide for our lives. God’s Word teaches us how to live in a way that brings great reward, and ultimately salvation, through Christ.

As the Psalm moves from the glories of creation to the power of God’s Word, we read in verse seven that the Word of God is “perfect, reviving the soul.”

The word “perfect” means:

  • having all the required or desired elements, qualities, or characteristics
  • as good as it is possible to be
  • complete
  • being entirely without fault or defect
  • flawless

The word “revive” means:

  • to restore to life
  • to give new strength or energy to
  • to become active or flourishing again.

In other words, the Word of God has all the required qualities and elements to minister to broken hearts.  There is nothing better than God’s Word because it is as good as it could possibly be. It is complete, without fault or defect, and flawless. God’s Word restores us to life, it give us new strength and energy, and it enables us to become active and flourishing again. Does this sound like something your soul needs? Then turn your weary and hurting soul to the Word of God.

In the days following our daughter’s fatal diagnosis, and again after her home-going, I found deep comfort in God’s Word. As I searched the Scriptures, I found revival for my soul and my broken heart was soothed. Perhaps some of these words will revive your soul as well:

  • God heals my broken heart and binds up my wounds (Ps. 147:3).
  • No matter what I face, God’s presence is always near to me; He goes with and before me (Ps. 34:18, Jos. 1:9).
  • I can find refuge under the sheltering wings of the Almighty (Ps. 91:1).
  • Darkness has not overcome the Light, but rather Jesus has overcome the world, which includes all my pain and heartbreak (Jn. 1:5; Jn. 16:33).
  • God’s Word offers hope that the world cannot (Ps. 130:5).
  • God’s power is displayed through my suffering and my suffering will not destroy me (2 Cor. 4:9).
  • God cares about all the tears I cry, and I am not without hope in my sorrow (Ps. 56:8; 1 Thess. 4:13).
  • I have hope that our daughter walks in truth in the presence of God (3 John 4).
  • One day, God will wipe every tear from our eyes and will make all things new (Rev. 21:4-5).

Dear heart, there is no where better to turn in your grief than the truth of God’s Word. This world cannot revive your soul, it cannot restore you to life or cause your life to flourish once again. But God can. Let the power and comfort of His Word revive your soul. From the depths of sorrow, He will bring you up again.

  1. What verses or portions of Scripture has God used to revive your soul?
  2. What is holding you back from allowing God’s Word to minister to your heart?

Make a list of any places you have looked for comfort or escape from your pain other than the Word of God. Then, write a prayer to the Lord pouring out your broken heart to Him and thanking Him for all the promises in Scripture that He wants to use to revive your soul. 

- Abigail

Hope Mom to Sarabeth Marie

Abigail is mama to her toddler daughter and to Sarabeth who went to be with Jesus seven days after her birth in January 2018.  She and her husband Chad live in Berea, KY on the family farm where they raise cattle.  In addition to being a stay-at-home-mom and teaching piano part-time, Abigail blogs on Facebook and Instagram at A Healing Gratitude where her desire is to share Sarabeth’s story in a way that highlights the goodness and love of God and how gratitude can lead to greater healing.

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