In the Word: God is Sovereign

Welcome to Hope Mommies’ In the Word devotionals. Over the next several weeks, we will be looking at different characteristics of God—specifically reflecting on how each aspect of His character offers us hope in the midst of our grief.  As we study together, we encourage you to use the comments as a place to dialogue with us about what you are learning and share your answers to the questions below. We pray that you hearts will be encouraged as you dig into the infinitely beautiful character of God along with us! 

“Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in Your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.”
Psalm 139: 13b-16


God’s sovereignty means that He is in absolute control. Nothing can hinder His plans and purposes from being accomplished. He is not ignorant, nor does anything take Him by surprise. He is in complete control over the entire universe, and over every detail of your life. Every. Single. One. Because He is Sovereign, He is able to use even the most painful of circumstances in your life for your good and His glory.

Dear one, God’s sovereignty may be hard for you to accept, but it is a safe place to rest. When we choose to place our trust in His sovereign hand, life no longer seems meaningless and random. In fact, His sovereignty is our greatest hope amidst the uncertainty and chaos of this world.

His plan for your life may not be what you would have chosen, but our God, who made the entire universe without error, has made no mistakes in the plans He has made for you. Continue in the confidence that He can and will use everything in your life, no matter how devastating, for your eternal good because you are His. Are you willing to embrace this beautiful truth? Will you choose to trust God with the plan He has for you?


1. In what ways have you struggled to submit to God’s sovereignty in the midst of suffering? In what ways have you welcomed it?
2. How does God’s sovereignty offer comfort in the midst of grief?


Make a list of the plans you have made for your life.  Take some time to prayerfully acknowledge and welcome God’s sovereign plan for your life, even when it may not line up with the plans you have made for yourself.

- Ashlee

Hope Mom to Simeon and Odelle

Ashlee is the Editorial Coordinator for Hope Mommies. She and her husband, Jesse, have four children on earth and two little ones in Heaven. You can get to know her more by reading her blog, Beyond Undone.



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